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The audience applauded as you made your way to the stage. You'd won! Your very first big budget movie had won! It was so hard to believe. Your speech went so smooth it was almost dream like. You didn't even realise you were crying till you caught a glimpse of smudge eye liner in the reflections a glass.

"You alright hun?" Someone said handing you a napkin. "Congratulations on the win. I loved your movie. Did you write the screen play was well?" She asked.

"Yeah I—" looking up your throat closed making you choke on your own spit. You were taking to Helena Bonham Carter. You had had a crush on her since you were a child and now she was sitting only inches away "Yes I did." You manage to cough out only sounding a little horse.

"Oh hun are you okay. Here have some of my water." She said sliding her cup towards you. Taking a drink stemmed to calm you down a bit. "You know I think you could do with something a little stronger." Helena said with a smirk and before you had time to object she had run off you get you some champagne.

Not wanting to be rude you ending up drinking it and then another glass and then another. The night started to become a blur again and you soon found you self throwing up in a hotel bathroom. It wasn't like you too drink so much and after having your head into porcelain bowl you started to come out of your drunken haze.

"Helena?" You called feeling suddenly very foolish.

"Hun it's okay." You heard a voice right behind you say. "I remember I time I could handle more then 4 drinks."

"I only had four?" You know you were a light weight but this was ridiculous.

"No... but you started slurring after your 3rd" Helena said with a giggle.

You felt her get close to your face and it was over before you realised it was a kiss on the cheek.

"Wanna have some fun?" She said with a cheeky grin. Clearly a bit intoxicated too. "I know a really fun game."

Helena took your hand in hers before beginning to feel herself over. She was beautiful and you had had dreams about this before but it was wrong. Helena was drunk, so were you.

"Helena. No." You mumbled pulling away hoping she'd get the memo but it didn't click right away. "You're drunk... so am I." You stumbled back finding your way to the bed.

"Okay..." Helena grumbled almost falling onto the bed next to you. "Can we watch a movie?" Helena asked motioning for you to crawl into her arms.

The two of you finished to night, or very early morning, watching a cheesy romcom snuggled in each other's arms.

Maybe you could continue what Helena started in the morning. When you both had a clear head.


Sorry if this one isn't the best or the longest. I haven't been feeling very well this week.
On the plus side ya boy is now 17 so that's fun.

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