P2 Adoption nsfw

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"Mom!" James called from the bathroom and you rushed upstairs to see what was wrong.

"What's wrong sweetie? Why aren't you dressed?" You asked barely needing to bend down to look your son in the eyes. James was growing up so fast. It felt like only yesterday you had adopted him now it was his first day of secondary school.

"I don't wanna go." He said sheepishly looking down at the floor.

"James honey you have to. It's your first day. You're just nervous come on, I'll make you some breakfast." You tried to take his hand but he only moved away.

"I'm not nervous... I just wish mommy was home." His voice gave a quiver as he spoke "she always working."

You understood. Ever since Helena had started acting she'd been away more then any of you wanted. She had promised to be home today but and unforeseen snow storm cancelled her flight back to England.

"J I understand I miss her too." You said pulling him into a hug "Why don't I make you pancakes? Those are your favourite aren't they?" You suddenly felt James smile.

"Yes please... they can you take me to school?"

"Of course I can. Did you really think I'd let you walk?" You said with a giggle. "And I'll even pick you up!"

The day went painfully slow with no one home except you. Maybe you should have let James have to day off? No, it's best for him to be around kids his age.

When Helena's career took off you both had to make some hard decisions about James. Mostly to do with schooling. You could have sent him to a private school with the money you now had but Helena agreed that it was best to keep him in public school. You wanted him to be a normal kid.

It was around 1:00pm when you heard the door unlock. Surprised you jumped up of the sofa to see who it was.

"(Y/n)! I'm home!" Helena called from the hall.

Moving faster than you had all week you ran into the hall and engulfed your wife in a big hug.

"Hellie!? What are you doing home?"

"I can't leave if you want me too" Helena said with a giggle "I checked every airport in the country to find one that would take me home!" She yelled clearly over exaggerating.

You let her get in and help her bring the luggage up stairs to your bedroom.

"It's a shame I still missed James... but I suppose he'll be happy to see me when he gets home." Helena said as she began to take of her jacket, then her t-shirt, leaving her in just a bra.

"What are you doing?" You said with a cheeky grin, you exactly what she was doing.

Helena slowly took off her jeans finally revealing a full red lace lingerie set you'd never seen before.

"Have you been good while I've been away?" She said in a husky voice. "Saving yourself for me?" Helena had to be 3 inches shorter then you but that didn't matter when she knew exactly how to over power you.

"Yes I have." You whispered and Helena started to unbutton your shirt, before slowly unzipping your trousers. Teasing you with touches only to move away like it was a mistake.

"Tell me how much you've missed me." She said teasing you more.

"I've missed you so much." You respond trying to contain your excitement. You thought the teasing would continue for longer but Helena must have missed just as much as you missed her.

Soon you too where on top of each other in bed. The cold September air meant the covers where on but everything else was definitely off.

You went at it for what felt like forever. Only when you were both satisfied did you stop.

Breathing deeply you lead in bed next to each other.

"Wow that was even better then I remembered" Helena said kissing you on the cheek.

"What time is it?" You asked.

"3:00pm? Why—"

"JAMES!" You yelled running around the room trying to get some clothes on. Hopefully he wouldn't ask why you were so late and forget all together when he's sees His Mommy for the first time in months.

Howdy I've decided to end this book in chapter 30. So there are 2 more chapters coming up!
My next too upcoming projects will be one surrounding the idea of Helena having a stolen child. And the other a Bellamione (Hermione x Bellatrix) story.
So stay tuned for those 😉

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