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Rushing across your landing you rushed toward the bathroom. Shoving the door open you went straight for the toilet, chucking up everything from last night.

'What the fuck did I do?' You thought catching your breath between vomiting. 'Must of had a good time.'

Eventually you managed to stand back up. Looking in the mirror you saw your makeup was still on, well, mostly. Wiping it off you realise that there were deep purple marks across you next.

'Must of had a REALLY good time' You thought again.

After a couple pain killers your head started to clear up. Foggy memories came into focus.

You met someone, but who. She was older than you. Beautiful. Pale skin, brown eyes, gorgeous hair. She gave you those hickies.

She seemed so familiar. Her name was in the tip of your tongue.

Swilling out your mouth with water you gave it some more thought.

Suddenly you a memory cane gliding back to you. It was hot and heavy. Drunk kisses, tangled sheets, and sweat covered bodies.

One name being moaned over and over again. "Helena, Helena, Helena!"

You remembered her face, that name, her hair. Helena Bonham Carter.

'No (y/n), don't be an idiot, you just got drunk and had a wet dream.' You told yourself. 'Why the hell would she go home with me!'

Getting up from the toilet seat you walked back over to your bed. Hoping to get some more sleep.

However as you opened the door you saw someone standing in the hall.

"Hello darling," Helena said walking over and giving you a kiss. "Why don't we continue where we left off last night." Unable to form words you simply nodded.

You must of had a really good time last night.

Again sorry for the short chapter but I'm still working on my next fanfic.

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