Chapter 1 The Pup Pack

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One day in a beautiful meadow in the Blue Moon Pack territory , flowers of every color as far as the eye can see , beautiful trees with singing birds ,a wolf had a litter of 5 puppies on a spring evening. Everyone was so excited to see them.
The littlest one loved to dance,so she was named Lori (a type of dance). Her coat was a lustrous fawn color.The second one just kept talking in her own language, so she was named Gabby. Her fur was pure red.The next pup is extremely strong ,so he was named Jock. His hair is a deep black with a tint of red.As goes for this little trouble maker,well his name is Mischief. His fur is pure black.Now for the last puppy,he had an unusual spot on his face, so of course you probably can guess his obvious name ... Robert.His fur is a deep red with a very faint black.
Their father and mother couldn't take their dark ,aqua,green eyes off the youngins' "Daddy,why do you always watch us so carefully?" Mischief asked.
"Well it's a long story" ,the pups all huddled around there father for story time."When I was your age we had nap time so we all went to sleep.I woke up and decided to take a drink by the river.Some evil creatures came by and almost captured me.They did manage to slice my back left paw and that's how I ended up with this old stump"-the pups marveled at his scar-"I howled as loud as I could as I struggled to get up and run home.My parents heard me and dashed over. I was able to find a hiding place while my parents attempted to fight the weird things off.They couldn't do it and one found me and brought me with them.When we got to the place they were taking us I escaped and took one glance back at the place and barked goodbye.I never saw my parents again"their dad finished in tears along with his pups.
On the day the little pup pack turned  7(in dog years)they chowed down on a delicious elk and were so full they decided to take a nap. When they woke up the pups realized they were alone,that everyone else in their pack was missing!The small pup pack were the only wolves left. They were all terrified,but smart Gabby remained calm and helped the others. She then gave a little speech."Yes we are small, alone, lack some skills, but we are still together, strong, have perseverance and we must find our pack,plus we are part of the Blue Moon Pack,fiercest of all the packs."
   Jock stepped forward and agreed,"If you're doing  this you're not doing it alone. "
    "I'm in ",Lori agreed.
    "I'm in,"Mischief echoed.
    "Anything to find our pack,"Robert followed. At sunrise they set of together as a pack to find their family.
   As they ventured out into the forest,all hungry because it was late afternoon,a herd of caribou was spotted. The little lone wolves made a small "V" formation with Jock at the front, Lori and Gabby in the middle, and Robert and Mischief at  the back. After attempting to pick off an elderly caribou, they spooked the herd, so to get their food they had to run a long way until the fast herd had grown tired. Every member of the puppy formation jumped on their target and quickly killed it then Lori said a prayer."Dear heavenly wolf,I thank you for this dinner that will hopefully sustain us for a while. We are all so very grateful and we thank you . We also pray that we will find our pack and everyone is safe. Amen. "
"Amen,"the rest of them repeated, then ate their food. They found an empty den made out of tree roots and stored  some extra food there for the night.
   They all couldn't go to sleep, because they were thinking about their pack. Robert pleaded,"You should all go to sleep. If we fall asleep now then we'll be well rested and have more strength in the morning to go find our pack."
Gabby responded,"Robert's right we should go to sleep now".Lori gave a loud and long yawn before everyone shut their eyes and started to dream.

Hey guys. This is my first book . I hope you hit that vote button and enjoy the rest of the story . Thank you.

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