Chapter 3 A Day in the Rain

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      When the rain passed and a display of colors shot across the sky they all came out. Lori pleaded ," Please ,please, Pleeeaaasse can we all play in the mud and puddles?" Everyone but Jock agreed.
"But Jock," They whined.
Mischief exclaimed ," I think I speak for all of us when I say we want a break ".
"Although I agree with you there's a reason our parents named you Mischief " -
"very funny," Mischief mumbled -
"I think we should keep searching for our family ," Jock responded.
"If we keep going until the next dangerous thing shows up we'll be exhausted and probably won't be able to escape that. Plus we all need to have a little fun every once in a while." Gabby barked ."Besides, if we keep arguing it will take even longer."
After a bit more arguing Mischief, Robert, and Lori were sick and tired of it, so they shouted at the same time "BREAK IT UP! Four outvotes one so can we go ahead and play"
They splashed each other in the puddles and rolled in the mud. Lori started to dance in the water." Guys look, I'm water dancing ," Lori chuckled.When they looked in her direction they were amazed by what they saw.
"Lori, look a lake!" Jock exclaimed.The thirsty, dehydrated group rushed to the water. They took a few giant gulps and had fun catching fish. When Mischief tried to catch one, it turned around and slapped his face. All of them bursted with laughter.
"It's not that funny.What it is is painful if you ask me," Mischief whined. At the end of the day they went back to their "den" to fall asleep.
Jock admitted,"You were right Gabby, today was great".Gabby tiredly responded
"Of course I was.Now here's another thing I'm right about,we should go to sleep. Goodnight."
That was the last word they heard as they started catching some Zs , or maybe Mischief was trying to catch some fish in his dreams . The owls hooted and the nocturnal animals rose to the sky while the crickets chirped .

Pup Pack:A City of Wilderness Book 1Where stories live. Discover now