Chapter 4 No One in the Barn?

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   The next day they woke up to an annoying, annoying,ear bleeding noise.The wolves dashed outside to discover a chicken on a fence post surrounding a big red den-like thing."It's called an barn",Gabby informed,"I heard they have food and that sometimes we go to these if there is not enough for ours and other nearby packs."
    "But look at all the old moss and cobwebs and there's hardly enough grass for 5 caribous", Robert observed.
"Well,let's go check it out",Mischief suggested.When they jumped the post they found their selves in an almost dry mud.As they walked around the farm ,as they now knew it was called ,confused Gabby explained that their should have been much more animals and where each of them lived.In each pen there was hardly a family and much less of a meal.Also the farm animals were acting much more aggressively than what Gabby said.
    "I don't understand.Shouldn't there be more animals.Also,why are there no children or even eggs?" Jock noted.They suddenly jerked to a strong scent,a scent of ,death!
   "Is that from our pack ?" Lori asked nervously.
   "I sure hope not," the rest of them answered together in a scared,hopeful voice.As they walked in they saw unusual things in there,but the most unusual thing they saw was a big hairless thing with some sort of weird fur on.
"This is probably the farmer.He is supposed to take care of all the animals.",Gabby informed.
Mischief replied"Well he's not doing a very good job."
"Do you think it's dead?",Lori asked.
"I don't know.Lets check.",Jock suggested. They huddled around the odd creature.Robert put his head on what they guessed was his chest.
Robert shook his head sadly,"No beat."
"No wonder almost all the animals were gone. And the animals that surprisingly survived must have eaten each other."Jock remarked.
Lori remembered,"that's why all the animals , which are usually herbivores and afraid of us wolves ,were acting so aggressive."They were so caught up in the human that they didn't seem to notice heavy breathing far away.

Outside the barn about 100 meters away was a horrid,rabid,diseased beast. A foaming drool dripped in the mud.Staggering feet printed the ground with paw prints with unusually spread out toes.Running to the nearby farm, panting, dying.

   The pack suddenly smelt an odd scent!A twig cracked.Then again.The smell and sound drew closer and they heard  a loud growl followed by a pant.The scared  pack decided to send Jock first. As Jock slowly creeped toward the slanted door, he peeked out and saw an enraged wolf!With the foaming-mouth disease! The fearful pups split up to find a back way out.Gabby howled,"Guys I found a way out!"Jock,Robert and Mischief followed her howl to the exit.
Before they left the infected house Robert did a head count,"1,2,3,4,...Wait where is 5?"
"Lori!"The four shouted together!
They went in pairs to find Lori in an old linen closet.Lori shouted" I'm stuck!"Altogether they pulled.Then the ravenous wolf tried to pounce on them.It barely missed Mischief,his sharp claws scratched his neck.
Lori was finally free and they ran away from the farm as fast as they could until they heard an obnoxious scream.The scent of death in the barn soon became stronger.Lori,still traumatized by the startling event she gasped ,"Phew,That was a close one".
   "Yeah!",The rest of them said together.
   Jock praised,"Robert you really did a good job back there,thinking of doing a head count."
   Robert responded,"Ahh shucks it was nothin',you were the one that really did great going to check it out."
    "We all did great and I think I learned my lesson about dangerous things",Mischief said pretending to be serious. They all just bursted out laughing.
   Gabby tried to hold back her laugh to get the words out,"That a good one Mischief"they headed out into the forest.

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