Chapter 5 Pack

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I'm going to start doing different POVs okay

Alpha's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache.I slowly looked around although my vision was mostly blurry.Where are we?And what are we doing here?After his sight came into focus he spun around to make sure his pack was there.He already knew that his brother Ron had gotten away after a branch loosened the lock and he busted out and ran away.Oh no where are my pups.He looked around to see where he was. He was behind metal bars.No.Not here again.This is how I lost my parents and now it's how I lost my pups.There were people everywhere with white coats gloves.They were mixing oddly colored liquid and putting them in small pointy tubes.Charts were up on the wall.Uh oh.One of them is coming to me with a pointy tube to inject something in me. Whatever it is it can't be good.The Alpha barked and howled while trying to get away.He felt a sharp point impale his neck.Ouch that hurts stop it.
   Good my wife is waking up."Mornin' sweetie we got to get outta here.This is the place"
"Really Maximus.The place where"-"Yes" I answered-"We must hurry then" The same person who put something in me did the same to my mate,Christina.We suddenly felt dizzy and fell down.When I woke up I was in a fake "forest" surrounded by glass.
    "Ello there mate"I jerked to the direction the voice was coming from."You new around here?",the strange creature with a pouch and long powerful legs asked.
   "Who are you?" I curiously responded.
   "Sorry,forgot to introduce me self. I'm Kevin the kangaroo and you name?"
    "I'm Maximus.Alpha Maximus.What is this place?"
   " Oh this ol'place.Why this be a zoo.Kay back to me question before,you new around here and where you from?"
   "Yes I'm new,but I plan to leave this horrid place soon to get back to the Blue Moon Pack territory in the forest and find my pups."
   "That be a great speech but I ain't think you be leaving"
   "Why is that"I snapped.
   "Well no one ever has.The two wolves here before you even died trying.Now that me mention them you look much like them."
    "What did those wolves look like?"I desperately interrogated.
   "Well the female had a faint gray colored coat deep green eyes and a shorter tail than the male.The male ,acting like he runs the place kind of like you ,was pure black with a scar across his eye and a red patch of fur on his hackles"
  "I must get back to where my pack is lying down,I shall see you later",Or not.So this is it.This is where my parents died.This place shall be remembered in my nightmares,yet at the same time dreams for this place is the only thing I have from them besides memories.I must leave no matter what.

    I came up with a plan.I would memorize the times when they feed us then pounce on them with our pack and escape.Yep.Thats perfect.But we must act calm and kind toward them or they might be on complete guard or maybe harm us.
   A few days later we had memorized the schedule.In a few moments the time will come to escape."Positions everybody " I barked.As soon as the door opened in our pen we pounced on him,ran through the building but skidded to a halt when a heavy door closed in front of us.Fortunately it opened again and we ran out of what we now knew was the zoo until we reached true wilderness and the same road we took to get here.We didn't care to socialize with the other animals at the zoo for two reasons;1 we were going to leave any way so why did it matter and we would have had regretted a little and 2 they were super annoying and very doubtful.
   In the evening we set off into the woods as a pack,that was missing five wolves.

Pup Pack:A City of Wilderness Book 1Where stories live. Discover now