Chapter 2 The First Clue

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   After a few weeks the pups learned to hunt and survive. Every day they got more worried and sad as they always found nothing then, suddenly they found teeth and claw marks on many trees. But they weren't just any marks, they were from wolves and some not known to them. Next to one tree was blood. Using their great sense of smell,they could tell it was from their uncle Ron. The blood smelt like it was from his right back leg and they did not smell death and were relieved that he was okay. They got his scent and followed it. They followed it as far as they could then it was covered in dirt and they couldn't find it. They kept looking for signs that they were dead, but thankfully they couldn't find anything but disturbed soil."They must have been forced to cover their scent by rolling in the dirt,"Gabby exclaimed.
"Oh no,"Mischief replied!
"It smells like there's a river not that far ahead. We might be able to find their scent again by the river,"Lori suggested. Jock agreed,
"OF COURSE!Everybody needs to drink!"The pups thought they knew what they were doing.
On their way to the river,Mischief herd a rustle in the bushes."Uh,guys what was that noise,"Mischief said fearfully.
"Probably just the breeze,"Jock replied.
"But I don't feel a breeze and my nose says it's something"-a big roar interrupted Mischief -"DANGEROUS!"Suddenly,an enormous bear came through the bushes and started chasing them.
"RUN,BEAR!!!,"They all shouted together. The little pack ran as fast as they could but,The ravenous beast was catching up to them fast. While trying to escape,A hollowed out log floated along on the river.
"Quickly,we need to hop on that log,"Jock loudly exclaimed. They all jumped on,the bear is running alongside the river.
   Almost Instantly,the bear whined then ran away."Why'd he run away like that,"Lori questioned.
"Uh guys,I think  that's why"Gabby answered.
"WATERFALL,"they all shouted with fear. The water is rushing and rushing,they were running out of time. "Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh,"they screamed. Falling and falling,then crash. Lori being very dramatic thought she was dead,
"Am I dead?Oh my goodness I'm dead!Are guys dead to?"-
The rest of them cut her off,"Lori!We are not dead".
"Where are we then,"Lori said confused.
"I think we're in a cave behind the waterfall," Robert replied. They all were still shivering from the frightening fall.
"Look!we can walk along those rocks to get back up,to the opposite side that the bear is on,"Mischief suggested. They climbed up to land and dried off.
"It looks like our pack went through the river as well,"Gabby observed as she pointed to the paw prints on the ground.They followed those paw prints till sundown. The pup pack was extremely tired, but they still had managed to catch a few rabbits.
"Goodnight"they all sleepily said to each other.
In the morning they kept following the paw prints. Gray clouds started to roll in. The air was getting humid. Cold breezes kept blowing.
"Uh oh,I think it's going to rain," Mischief exclaimed.
"Well we better hurry up because, the rain will wash the paw prints away,"Lori responded. They didn't get very ' before the paw prints washed away. They found a small abandoned cavern and stayed in there till the rain passed.

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