Chapter 9 Jock

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Jock's POV
I woke up with a pounding headache.Where am I ?Some wolves with flowers weaved in their fur came in."Good, he's awake,"one of them told.
"Where am I?Who are you?What am I doing here?",I asked.
   "You washed up in a river near our nursing dens. We are wolves who all believe in peace and love.We have isolated ourselves ever since the  horrid event of my great grandfather,but I'd rather not talk about that.Can we get you something to eat or maybe a refreshment?", A very large wolf with a luscious , tawny brown coat and emerald eyes and a deep voice who I assumed was the alpha had exclaimed.
    "I could use some water and some rabbit please"I answered.I wonder why they have flowers in their fur.
   "Yes we'll get right on that.",a smaller female with a golden coat and blue eyes responded.
   "Thank you. And not to be rude but why do you have flowers through your coat ?",I asked as kindly as I could.
   "This is a tradition for us to weave thorny flowers in our fur when we reach a certain age. We use the thorns to jab our paws then put them on the sacred stone and give an oath through our blood devoting ourselves to a loving life of peace."
   "Oh that's pretty interesting and sorry for not introducing myself I'm Jock son of the alpha of the Blue Moon Pack,"I was given a container of water that they called a bowl. "Thank you for the water and helping me when I washed up here."
   " Oh no problem Jock." The Alpha-looking wolf replied."We always be kind and helping to those who need it. And now to introduce ourselves, my name is Findolph but you can call me Fin."
The golden- coated wolf introduced herself, "I am Fiona Fin's daughter and it's a pleasure to have you here."
"I'm Fin's wife, Bridget and we are very glad to have a visitor.",a medium blonde with light brown streaks an aqua eyed wolf exclaimed.
"My name is Brutus and Fiona is my big sis. Where is your famiwy."said a little brown furred wolf with jade eyes that stumbled up too me.
"Brutus don't be so rude. What if he doesn't have one we don't want to make him feel sad." the mom scolded.
"I sorry", Brutus apologized.
"Oh it's okay. I lost the rest of my family while falling off a waterfall. We had been living normally until one day I woke up to see that my whole pack was gone. All except my brothers and sisters. We had no choice but to survive on our own. We searched and searched for our family and faced many dangers. Recently I had been on a hunt for caribou with my siblings, Gabby,Lori,and Robert. Mischief wandered off. I didn't pay attention because I was focused on the caribou and knew that he wouldn't wander too far. I should have stopped him from going . If he hadn't have ran off I wouldn't be separated from them right now . He was chasing small game and ran into me . He knocked me right off that cliff . The last I saw of him were his worried, fearful eyes and him saying sorry and I love you."
" Oh my goodness that's so sad we are so sorry you lost your pack and if there's anything we can do about it we will."Fin said as he was wiping his tearful eyes.
"Anything" Fiona said for her mum who was trying to calm down Brutus who was crying his little heart out from the melancholy story.
"It's okay I'll just be on my way." I struggled to say while I was crying."OOWWWW" my body was hardly strong enough to get back up.
"Your not strong enough yet Jock. The fall broke both your hind legs. You should stay here until your strength comes back." Bridget pleaded.
I nodded my head yes and went to sleep.

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