Who's Shawn?

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Scar's POV

"Scarlett it's not like you gonna die by doing this." Fallon said.

I didn't wanna do it.

"Come on. We all know that we can do it, so why don't we?" Nate said.

"It's much more comfortable than the dorms."Walter said.

"He is right. And there's much more space, we could even throw parties without getting into trouble." Fallon said.

If you are lost. We currently talking about university and buying an apartment nearby instead of living in the dorms. And we are sitting in the cafeteria, which was filled due to it being break and all.

"It wouldn't be bad having us men around, we could be your security..." Fallon cut Nate off.

"For what in exchange?"she asked.

Nate and Walter looked to each other and grinned.

"No way, I'm not doing laundry and I'm not picking up you things, um not married to either of you and I'm not a maid nor am I your mother." I said.

"But you will be married to me one day." I heard a voice and then someone kissed me on my cheek.

I turned around to find Andrew Tyson. He's the lock type, I futures him in Mathematics for a year and surprisingly it wasn't bad, one thing I know about him is that he sucks at math.

He tried to kiss me again, this time on my lips and the only one who did that once was Shawn. I pushed Andrew away.

"Oh come on baby..." I cut Andrew off.

"I'm am not you baby nor am I you girlfriend." I said.

"I love you." Andrew said with puppy dog eyes.

This boy doesn't get the message.

"Andrew you a great guy and everything, but you too possessive at times. I'm sorry but I'm not interested. I like you, but as a friend." I said.

"I always knew you were lesbian." Andrew said and pushed pass me and guess what he walked over to Ashley and kissed her, actually more like made out with her.

I sat back down. Then my friends gave me a questioning look.

"What?"I asked.

"Is Andrew right when he says you a lesbian?" Nate asked.

"We've just never seen you date anyone or have a boyfriend before." Walter said.

"And what was that with pushing him away? Saving that lips huh?" Fallon asked.

"I'm not a lesbian." I said.

"How do you know?" Nate asked.

"Because I'm attracted to boys." I said.

The day continued as normal. Only two years and a few months until I graduate. I can handle that.


The weekend soon came and Fallon and me were sitting in my room and talking about today. It was Walter's birthday and his crown birthday too so his parents were going all out seeing as their baby is growing up.

"You are lucky you got time to wash you hair last night." I said to Fallon.

"Oh darling, timing is everything." Fallon said with a British accent.

"Put on some music."I said.

"Okay." Fallon said.

She switched on my speakers and connected her phone to it via Bluetooth.

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