Tour Life and late night dreams.

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It is now July 2016

Scarlett's POV

"Thank you Belgium, you have been a lovely crowd!" I yell into the mic.

The stage lights begin to dim, I make my way off stage towards the backstage. While backstage I grab myself an ice cold bottle of water. It was 10 P.M. the temperature dropped to below 12°C, I was getting so hot. I grabbed my things.

I changed out of my performance costume came into my blue Jean, and a black off the shoulder top. I then put my hair into a high bun.

Tonight's performance was cool. The opening act for tonight on my
'Forever going' tour was Julia Michaels. Julia performed issues, the crowd loved her.

I walked out if my dressing room and accidentally bumper into Julia.

"I'm so sorry." Julia said.

"No I'm sorry, I should of looked where I was going." I said.

"Me too." Julia said.

"You were amazing on stage." I was beginning to fangirl.

Okay Scar keep that fangirl in, just calm down. Julia is a human just like you, just like everyone else in this world.

"Thanks, you were too. The way you hit those high notes in So Good, I left me speechless. I mean I heard the song but hearing with my own ears you hit that note was amazing." Julia complimented.

"Thanks." I said.

"You heading to the hotel?" Julia asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Well the band and others are going to the club you can join if you wanna." Julia said.

"Nuh I'm fine." I said.

"So what you gonna do in the mean time? Sit and Face Time you secret boyfriend?" Julia asked.

"I might consider that." I said, acting like I was thinking.

We both laughed. Julia knew that right now I didn't have a man in my life except my dad and brother.

"I probably be writing songs since my manager urgently wants my songs I've written so far to be in by Saturday." I said.

"Wow, so basically today is your last day you can finish up this unfinished songs seeing as tomorrow's Friday and tomorrow is going to be a very busy day." Julia said.

I nodded my head. Our bodyguards escorted us out of the stadium and towards our vehicles that awaited. There were driver waiting for us in the cars. Before I climbed into the car I met some fans, took pictures and signed a few photographs.

"Scarlett we love your voice"
"Your concert was SO GOOD"
"We love you Scarlett"
"Sign my photograph"
"Can I get a hug"
"Visit Belgium soon again"
"Can I take a picture"
"Follow me on Twitter"
"Follow me on Instagram"
"View my YouTube channel"

I climbed into the car and drove off to the hotel. At the hotel I took a shower and put on a crop top, tights and a silk gown with my pink morning slippers.

I walked towards the lounge and took a seat on the couch. This hotel had its own built in kitchen could it even be classified as a hotel or is it an apartment?

On a small coffee table in front of my layed my laptop and lyric book. I picked my lyric book up. I had written no new songs. All my song ideas I kept sealed up in my brain. I knew that once my pen touched the page I wouldn't be sleeping tonight.

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