Lets dance the night away

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"So would the lovely Miss Adrian care for a dance?" The person asked.

I turned to face the person only to see Shawn.


"I'd love a dance Mr Mendes." I said.

He extended his and and i reached for it. He took my hand and led me to the dance floor where many couples were now dancing.

A thousand years by Christina Perri began playing.

We began dancing, more like swaying from side to side kinda like a waltz.

All those worries and nerves disappeared, we looked I to each others eyes in silence until he spoke up.

"You look beautiful today." Shawn said.

This brought a smile to my face.

"Thanks. Wait so basically you telling me that on other days I don't look beautiful?" I joked.

"No, no, no...I.. I'm.." Shawn stuttered, he looked nervous.

I softly laughed and he gave me a confused look. It was so cute. I just wanted to kiss him and tell him that I was kidding.

"It was a joke Mendes." I said smiling.

Shawn just gave me an eye roll.

"You do know that on other days you are beautiful but tonight your way more beautiful than other days. And I kinda like it." He said eying me up and down.

This boy... Is going to kill me?

"Weirdly I'm actually liking this slow dance business." I honestly said.

Shawn gave me a knowingly look. I always saw slow dancing as a waste of time, there was hip hop and many more fast types of dances why'd you wanna Face slow when you could dance fast.

'You never know until you try Scar.' ← those were one of Shawn's most famous sayings when we were kids.

"I told you 'You never know until you try'." Shawn said.

I stared into Shawn's eyes and he stared into mine. It felt like we wer e the only ones in the room and like nothing else matter. Then I broke contact because of the DJ calling me up on stage.

Did I forget to mention, Aiden asked me to sing on his wedding a few songs. There were a few songs Kelly liked from my album, poor Kelly doesn't know about me starting my singing career. So this is like going to be a wedding surprise for her.

"See you later alligator." I said t Shawn and made my way towards the stage but I was pulled back by someone.

I turned and saw Shawn.

"In a while crocodile." He said with a smile.

"Good luck." Shawn added a loosened is grip on my wrist, I turned back and walked towards the stage.

I took the mic from the DJ.

"Good evening dearly beloved friends and family, I was asked by someone special in my world *cough*cough*MY BROTHER*cough*cough* to give you all a lovely performance tonight so here we go. Hit it..." I said.

The familiar tune to Glad you came began playing, I sang the song.

The crowd applauded.

"The next song was for my single but I've decided that it'd be best to perform it here. So here we go." In said.

"Okay for this next few songs I'm gonna need some help, Shawn. Why don't you come up here and help me?" I asked him looking directly at him.

Falling For My Best Friend °→🥀 {S.M}🥀←° Under Major RevampWhere stories live. Discover now