Wedding Bells

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Date: 29 December 2015

"Oh my gosh, in mere minutes I'm going to marry the man of my dreams." Kelly shrieked.

The was a knock at the door. Kelly's father (Quin) entered.

"Are you girls ready?" Quin asked.

"Yes" we all answered in unison.

We lined up at the alter ready. The music began playing. The flower girls, followed by the ring boy went down the isle.

Then it was the bridesmaids turn. I followed behind them. Soon Kelly's music began playing. Her father brought her dow the isle.

But what caught my eye was the guy in the crowd, a navy blue suit, with a white shirt and black tie. His curly hair made him look irresistible. I turned my attention back to the wedding.

"Do you Aiden Joe Adrian take Kelly Robin-lee Balmore, take to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold until sickness do us part?" The priest asked.

"I do." Aiden replied looking Kelly in her eyes.

Uurrrgg, when's my love coming?

"And you you Kelly Robin-lee Balmore take Aiden Joe Adrian to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold till sickness do us part?" The priest asked Kelly.

"I do." Kelly answered.

"By the power of invested by me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now miss the bride." The priest says.

Aiden spun Kelly and placed a passionate kiss on her lips, seconds it was over and they turned to the audience.

"I present Mr and Mrs Adrian." The priest says.

Applause rung through the hall. Cheering and smiles of happiness. Then he caught my eye again. That boy, he caught me staring and waved he then turned away and I looked back in the direction of the newly weds.

Blush creeps onto my cheeks. I felt a nudge in my side. I turned to see
Christine smiling and Riley with a smirk plastered on her face. I shook my head.

The newly weds stepped out of the church and we all followed in pursuit. After a 10 minute drive we arrived at the reception.

We all found out seats and the parents and friends said a few words.

Family and friends welcome and thank you app for coming to join these two wonderful human beings in holy matrimony. And son I hope you treat this lady with respect and care for her. I wish you the best for your future and please no grand babies for a year two or three.

My dad said and then took his seat again.

Then my mother stepped up and said a few words

My son, seeing you grow up has been such a great journey and those years have flown by. Seeing you now, marrying the girl that you love and soon to start your own family makes me so proud. I wish you the best for the upcoming years of your new shared life together.

My mom said the returned to her place then Kelly's parents went up. I went last up. I had a letter and everything I prepared myself beforehand like a month.

Hi everyone. Today's a special day, not just because these two wonderful people.

I stopped looking from my letter and spoke my heart.

Who would of thought that Aiden would get married before me? I always thought it would be the other way around seeing as Aiden couldn't speak a word with a girl without stuttering. But look at him now. He has found his true love and forever loving wife. Kelly wow I'm gonna be honest when I first saw you I was jealous, I didn't want to share my brother with anyone in the world. But I had to let go when we had to move. I remember those days when I would talk to Aiden about my dream wedding, the puffy ball gown, the up hair do.

Kelly when you came into Aiden's life you did not change him into someone else and I thank you for that. You were there with him and comforted him when he missed his family. And Aiden I know you cried the day we left.

I guests laughed.

I wish you a happy journey into the life of a married couple. I'm so looking forward for the nieces and nephews, just know that once they come you won't be seeing them after I get my hands on them.

I thank you all for showing up and enjoy the night.

I raised my glass which was filled with grape juice.

To the newly wed couple, may you be blessed with love and many more years to come.

We toasted and then ate.

After and hour and a half the newly weds took to the dance floor and waltzed it was their first dance as a wedded couple. I stared in awe. When was my prince charming coming to get me? I thought.

I stared at them and drifted far into thought of work, the nerves of tour. I was then suddenly brought back to Earth by a sweet voice.

"So would the lovely Miss Adrian care for a dance?" The person asked.

I turned to face the person only to see Shawn.

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