1- Their place, our place, whose place?

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A/N: Have you read ForthBeam- What is this??
This is the sequel to that.
I hope you enjoy the story.

Chapter 1 - Their place, our place, whose place?

I couldn't stop smiling when Forth fastened the helmet onto my head.

"What do you want to eat?" Forth asked as he slid his hands down my shoulders after he'd finished fastening the helmet.

"Food." He chuckled at my answer.

"What food?"

"I don't care what food, but we can't go too far. I'll be dead before we make it."

"Don't tell me, you haven't eaten anything since last night?"


"Ai'Beam, you shouldn't skip meals no matter how busy you are. Let's go across campus, it's closer." I wrapped my arms around him and looked up at him, trying to pull a puppy face.

"I always eat my meals properly, I promise. I forgot because we were in a rush today." I leaned up, trying to kiss him, only to be stopped by our helmets clashing, throwing both of us into a fit of laughter. I wondered how ridiculous we might look to anyone who may have seen us.

Riding on the back of his bike while hugging him was great. I loved it. His back was wide enough to keep the wind out of my face and I took deep breathes every now and then, enjoying his scent and the feel of his warmth. It was too bad we were not going far.

I blushed and tightened my arms around him when it occurred to me that everytime I ride on the back of his bike, I'll be in a position he'll never let me be in when we are doing naughty things in the bedroom or wherever we choose to do it. If only he'd let me do him once. I know he won't, he's made that clear. I don't mind, as long as it's him but...I can still dream.

I walked into the eatery while fixing my hair which had been ruined by the helmet, only to see Ai'Kit and N'Ming sitting at a table. I walked up to their table with Forth in tow, and without asking for their permission we joined them.

"I thought you guys were going to a fancy restaurant or something, since you're still in your honeymoon phase." Ai'Kit spoke as we made ourselves comfortable at their table.

"What about you two? Aren't you also in your honeymoon phase? Why are you eating here?" I answered while adjusting my chair so I wasnt sitting extremely close to the table.

"P'Beam, this is our place. Kit and I usually eat here." N'Ming spoke before Ai'Kit could.

"Your place my ass. Forth and I are going to make this our place." I said, instantly deciding that for no reason at all, except maybe to mess with Kit and N'Ming.

"What's this about this being your place?" I turned to see Ai'Pha and N'Yo walking up to the table. They joined without asking if they could. How impolite.

"Exactly what you heard Ai'Pha." I answered to Ai'Pha's question.

"Yo and I have been coming here longer than you four. If anything, it's our place."

"P'Beam, P'Pha, you two should stop trying to hog my idea and make it yours. I declare that this place is me and Kit's place. That's final. Right Kit?"

"That's right, and I've never seen any of you guys here before even though Ming and I have been here several times."

"You're seeing us today and we didn't know any of you would be here, so there you go." Ai'Pha spoke as he lifted his hand to draw the waitress' attention. We paused our dabate on whose place the eatry is to make our orders.

"P'Pha..." Ai'Ming started when the waitress had left the table with our orders after ogling some of the moons at our table. I couldn't help but furrow my brows at her in warning when she ogled Forth while taking his order.

"Ai'Ming, why are you trying so hard to claim this place. Is this where you proposed to Ai'Kitty?" I stopped him before he could finish his sentence

"Proposed my ass..." Kit begun speaking but Ming cut him off, saying

"Yes. Something like that. This is where I made it clear I was courting him."

"Ooohh, and how did Ai'Kit react?" Ai'Pha asked before I could.

"His reaction was so cute, you guys should have seen it. He..." Kit placed his hand over Ming's mouth, stopping him from finishing.

"Ming, stop answering their questions and don't call me cute, idiot."

"Ai'Kitty, should we ask you instead?" I leaned my elbow on the table, wanting to tease Kitty a little.

"Don't ask because I won't answer Ai'Beam."

"But I want to know why you agreed to date him. Before, you were always complaining about how annoying N'Ming is and you were adamant about not wanting to date him."

"What about you Ai'Beam, just yesterday, in the morning you were like 'I am the one who doesn't want to date him', then you come back today and tell us you're dating. What happened?"

They all turned curious eyes at me, even Forth was watching me with lifted brows, like he wasn't there when it happened. He's supposed to be on my side, right?

"Errr...hey, I won't let you turn this on me. Tell me what I want to know first, then I'll answer your question, Ai'Kit." I countered, trying to ease their attention off me.

"Ai'Beam, your story sounds more interesting right now. Let's hear it. What did Forth do to change your mind?" Ai'Pha wasn't helping.

I picked up my drink and brought the straw to my mouth, completely ignoring them. I can't answer that, I won't answer that. He didn't really do anything. I've liked him all along. I was just having trouble accepting that he liked me too but they don't need to know that.


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