21 - Life

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Getting married is easier said than done, in my case it seemed so. I stayed at father's house for two weeks while Forth and I looked for an apartment. It surprised me when I realized that I'd saved up a lot of money since I started dating Forth. Probably because I stopped using hotel rooms and I didn't eat out as much as I used to. Forth offered to pay for the whole apartment but I turned it down. We're both starting out in life, so I can't have him spending all his money before his first paycheck.

I knew that once I moved out of father's house and joined the workforce, I couldn't expect father to give me money or pay for any of my expenses like he did while I was in school.

We found a one-bedroom apartment at an affordable complex. It was maybe one step up from my dorm room. We had a kitchen, a bathtub and a little bit more space than we did in either of our dorm rooms. The one piece of furniture we did not skim money on was the bed, it had to be solid. Everything else we bought the cheapest we could find. We didn't need much anyway, just one three-seater couch which didn't have armrests, one desk and my old tv from my dorm room. My asshole friends can sit on the carpeted floor if they decide to come over with their lovers.

First thing we did after moving our few things into the apartment was test the bed to make sure it was worth the price and I'm not sure, we'll have to test it at least two or three more times before I can give a final judgement.

My first day at the hospital wasn't as great as I would have liked. I walked in bright eyed and ready to meet new acquaintances, instead, the moment I made myself known I was put to work following Dr. Patek and doing what ever he asks.

The waiting room was full before I'd put my white gown on and Dr. Patek expected me to know more than I thought I needed to know but I was thankful I paid attention in school because I'm sure he would have sent me to another Dr. if I'd been unable to keep up with him. I wouldn't have been the first he did that to, or so I heard. I did have second thoughts about wanting to practice as a general physician. Maybe I should get that specialization in gynecology after all.

It was past midnight by the time I made it back home. I left my shoes at the door and passed out on the couch. I woke up in bed the next morning, wearing my pajama bottoms. I wish I didn't have to get up that early, but I had no choice. I snuggled into my fiancé for a moment, kissed him on the cheek before leaving his sleeping form on the bed.

For the next few days, the last thing on my mind was marriage. The one time I made it home before midnight, I couldn't stay awake long enough to talk to Forth about anything let alone marriage.

"Beam, go back to bed." I opened my eyes with a start and looked up at my fiancé through bloodshot eyes. I'd finally gotten a day off after working ungodly hours everyday for the last three weeks.

"I want to have breakfast with you. We haven't had b..." I yawned and tried again. "We haven't had breakfast together in a while." My eyes drooped even though I was trying very hard to keep them open.

"You have tomorrow off too, we can have breakfast together tomorrow." I watched as Forth put his breakfast away and walked over to me. I squealed a little when he suddenly slipped one hand under my knees and the other on my back, lifting me up bridal style. I wouldn't unwrap my hands from around his neck when he gently placed me on the bed.

"Take today off and stay home with me." I know it's selfish, but I miss him, which is why I asked.

"I'm sorry but I can't today. I'll stay home with you tomorrow, okay?" I pulled him in for a kiss before letting go off his neck. "I'll have someone deliver lunch later. I'll call you before they come." He leaned down for another kiss. "I love you." I smiled up at him before speaking.

"I love you. Have a good day at work." I waited until I heard the click as the door was locked before rolling over to the spot where Forth usually sleeps. I drifted into sleep inhaling his familiar scent.

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