7 - Not Nearly

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Somehow, I made it through the weekend. Like any normal person, I missed my old self a little every time I noticed a pretty lady. I immersed myself in my school work the entire weekend to keep from missing Forth too much.

I made it to the engineering department just in time to pick Forth up. I had to wait around for him to make sure everyone who went on the trip had returned.

I straightened my back and watched him expectantly when he finally turned toward me and made his way over.

"I missed you." He pulled me into a hug, holding me closely.

"I'm glad. I'd be disappointed if I was the only one who missed you." I hugged him back just as tightly while I spoke. "Have you had dinner?" I pulled away a little, so I could look up at his handsome face.

"Yes, have you?" He leaned his forehead against mine and lightly kissed my lips.

"Yes, but I've been starving all of last week for something other than food. Are you done here? Can we leave?"

"Yep, I'm done here. Hand me the key, I'll drive."

"Aren't you tired? Let me drive."

"Nope, I need something to keep my mind and hands occupied until we make it to the dorm." I smiled at him as a wicked thought came to mind. I passed him the car key before hopping into the passenger side of the car.

As we drove off, I run my fingers over his jean clad thigh then up underneath his shirt, caressing his tightly packed stomach. I felt a tremor run through his body, heightening my excitement.

"Beamie, what are you doing?" He placed one hand over my wondering hand, slowing me down.

Twisting in my seat, I slipped my other hand onto the top button of his jeans and popped it open. I noticed his knuckle turn white as he gripped firmly onto the steering wheel. I kissed his cheek while giving my most mischievous smile.

I brushed his hand off mine and quickly undid his zipper before pulling his semi hard member out as gently as my eager self would allow.

"Fuck." He cursed when I wrapped my lips around him after I'd undone my seat belt. "Beam, you're going to kill us both if you don't stop." I smiled around his member because in spite of his words, he made no move to stop me and knowing that he is a good driver and also that we weren't driving too far, I trusted we wouldn't get in an accident.

His thighs tightened as I licked his slit with my tongue then bobbed my head up and down. With my left hand wrapped around the base of his member, I squeezed lightly and licked over his slit again, eliciting a moan and a slight movement of his hips.

I caressed my own stomach before placing my right hand over my own clothed and throbbing member. I moaned around him as I squeezed myself before undoing the tie of my shorts and slipping my hand underneath.

When he moved his hand into my hair and gripped firmly, I squirmed and moved my head faster. As his groans filled the car, my hand tightened around his member in excitement, encouraging him to let it out.

I sat up, licking my lips, and watching that part of him droop over his jeans. When I lifted my eyes to his, he was watching me breathlessly.

Without protest, I wrapped my hands around him as he plastered his lips on mine. His seatbelt got in the way when he tried to plaster his chest to mine. He pulled back long enough to undo the annoying belt.

My hands run all over his firm shoulders as he ferociously kissed me. I groaned, moving my hands into his hair as he slipped a hand into shorts and firmly fondled my needy member.

After holding it in for so many days, it didn't take much to get me to the edge. My mouth went slack against Forth's as I got close to toppling over. I buried my face in his shoulder and moaned deeply as I filled his hand with my thick creamy essence.

I reached for the box of tissues I kept in my car and handed him a few to wipe his hand while I wiped myself down.

"Are you okay now?" Forth asked as he zipped himself up.

"No." Not nearly. There was still a part of me twitching, wanting to be pleased, wanting to be filled.

I noticed we were at the parking lot of his dorm when I looked out the widow after I'd made myself decent.

Forth let himself out of the car as did I. I waited as he reached into the back seat for his backpack. He entwined his fingers with mine and took long strides into the building and up the stairs. I had to walk twice as fast to keep up with him.

"Prija..." My shoulder bumped into his arm when he stopped without warning. I peeked around him and saw a pale female with the waviest light brown hair I have ever seen.

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