24. The End, The Beginning

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I dabbed my husband to be's forehead with a handkerchief before placing a finger under his chin, lifting so I could look at his beautiful face.

"Nervous?" I asked before dabbing his brow some more.

"Yeah, why aren't you?" I watched as his eyes darted around the small waiting room, probably making sure we had everything we needed before we step out into the waiting crowd of mostly familiar faces. "Is it okay for you to be here?" He turned his beautiful face toward me.

"It is, isn't it?"

"Don't they say it's bad luck for the couple to see each other before they walk down the aisle?"

"No. I think what they say is that it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her wedding dress before the wedding and there is no bride here...unless you want to wear a dress today." I smirked at him, wondering what he'd look like in a dress.

"You wear a dress." He scowled at me, his nerves from earlier seemingly forgotten, then suddenly he broke into a wide smile. "You'll look terribly funny in a dress." This time he laughed out loud, at his own imagination, I assumed.

"You'd look funny too but still beautiful and cute." Before I could steal a kiss, my sixth cousin walked into the room and announced that it was time.

I gave Beam a reassuring smile before clasping his hand in my own and leading him out the door. Our friends and families stood up amidst the soothing music my beloved had chosen for this special occasion. I was all smiles, nodding here and there to this person and that person, while slowly making my way down the aisle, ready to be wed to this man.

My mum had tears in her eyes when we walked by my parents, it made me a little uncomfortable because it's usually the bride's parents that cry when they give their daughter away. I'm still not wearing that dress though.

While I pledged my love to him, I couldn't help but remember how easy it'd been to fall in love with him. One night of bliss later, here I am, doing something I never imagined I'd do, saying I do.

I have no regrets because I know, this is it, this is the love that will stay with me until the end, the love didn't know I needed until I found it. Our ups and downs strengthen our bond. Our love keeps us looking ahead.

When I leaned down to touch my lips to his after he'd in turn pledged his love to me, I stared into his eyes until he shut them. I loved the pleasing flush on his cheeks as a small smile played on his lips which were touched to mine.

Handshakes, hugs, exchanges of congratulations and thank yous ensued as we stepped down from the podium and into the waiting crowd of our loved ones.

I had my hand around Beam's shoulders the entire time, not wanting him to be swept away by the crowd, not that he would be lost since he was the most beautiful in the room.

As we sat down to a feast in celebration of our union, I let his shoulders go before pulling his chair closer to mine. Time seemed to pass in a blur as people laughed, ate, drunk and told tales about us, funny and over exaggerated tales some of them were.

"Beam fell in love with Forth at first sight." Pha started causing Beam to desperately clutch onto my arm in anticipation of a story which would leave him blushing. "During our first year as university students, he compared everything I did to what Forth did. He is supposed to be my best friend, right? But he voted for Forth, hoping that Forth will win the moon competition. I still won though..." I turned to my husband. This was news to me. Had he been in love with me that long? I can't believe he made my life so difficult even though he'd been in love with me all along.

"When were you going to tell me this?" I whispered into my nervous husbands' ear.

"Huh? Tell you what?"

"That you've been in love with me since our first year of university?" So that time he came onto me, asking me to do him wasn't as random as I thought. It made me feel special to think that he may not have made such a move if it had been some other guy.

"Didn't I tell you that already?" My husband was still giving me only about half his attention as he listened to Pha's toast while still nervously clutching onto my arm.

"You never told me that." I tightened my hold on his hand, drawing his full attention to me. I smiled at the blush on his face.

"I-I'm sure I did." I know he didn't and he was proving me right by being unable to look in my eyes. I smiled at my flustered husband and said nothing more. I have to love him harder now, to make up for him loving me longer.

When we bid farewell to our guests and made our way to our honeymoon destination, I held his hand every chance I got, holding him close and in my own way, loving him. I treated him as gently as he would let me while we were at Ko Samui enjoying the beaches and the very active night life. For some reason he dislikes it when I treat him gently, always coming up with some tease, so I'd do some things just the way he likes them. I let him because my life will be boring otherwise.

"What do you think?" Beam looked up at me as we danced to the slow music playing in the background. The dance floor was filled with other dancers who were on the island for their own reasons.

"What do I think about what?"

"About this place, the honeymoon. Did I choose a good spot?"

"Yes babe. It's great. I'm regretting that we have to leave tomorrow." I pulled his body closer, as if he wasn't already as close as he could be. I hated having to go back into the real world, but it had to be done. Our love journey was entering a new phase, a phase I couldn't wait to explore.


A/N: If you've followed this story from the start, I hope you liked it.

Thank you for the time you spent reading, for the votes and the comments.😊😊.

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