9 - Jealous

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After the trip, Forth didn't have to do much in regards to hazing but we had exams coming and we both had to study. The exams period did not affect my needs much because I used my time wisely. I studied seriously while I was on campus and at night, after my study group had dispersed, I'll either spend the night in Forth's room or Forth will spend the night in my room.

The weather was hot and humid as I stepped out of the medical faculty. It was a little after three pm and the heat had seemingly reached it's peak as it was hotter than it was earlier that afternoon. I felt like tearing my clothes off and jumping into some cool water. It always takes time to adjust when I walk right out of an airconditioned room into heat such as this.

I had just written my last exam for the semester. I stood on the steps for a while, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the sunlight and hopefully, my body adjusting to the heat, then made my way to my car.

"Oi Beam, wait..." I stopped in my tracks but didn't bother turning around. I could tell who it was by his voice. "Why are you in such a rush? Let's go for a drink." Ai'Pha hooked his hand around my neck and ruffled my hair, ruining my hairstyle even more.

"I don't feel like drinking. When are you two going home?" I spoke after I'd successful removed myself from under my tall friend's arm.

"I'm staying until a week from today." Kit answered as he led the way to the parking lot.

"Why a whole week? Won't you lose your inheritance if you don't go home?" I smiled and mentally patted myself on the back. I've always wanted to tease Kitty about losing his inheritance, like his mum does.

"Hahaaa..." He laughed dryly before continuing. "... I don't need the inheritance anymore, my boyfriend is rich." Okay...I hooked my arm around Kitty's neck and ruffled his hair. That's what he gets for being a smart mouth and the shortest of our group. "What are you doing?" He struggled out of my grasp and gave me a disapproving look before trying to tame his hair. I laughed at his useless effort. Now, I'm not the only one walking around with crazy looking hair.

Kit and I turned to Ai'Pha when we heard him laugh. One look at Kit and I could tell we both had the same idea. We pounced on Pha, trying to make his hair look as disheveled as ours. His hair looked just as it had when he came to the medical faculty this morning. He didn't run his fingers through his hair all through the day and during the exam, like Kit and I did. The calm asshole.

With great effort, we stretched our not so long arms, compared to Pha's, trying to reach his head but Pha is taller and stronger than both of us so he succeeded in evading our attack on him until I nearly gave up.

"Oi N'Yo, come help us." Ai'Pha's defenses dropped when he heard his lovers name called out. Nice one, Ai'Kitty. I gave Kit a high five after we'd successfully restyled our boss' hair, so he could fit in with the disheveled hair doctor gang.

I run my fingers through my hair trying to make my disheveled look fashionable, at least. "Kitty, why are you staying until next week." I gave up on my hair and turned to Kit.

"Ming has exams until then. I would go home tomorrow but Ming won't hear it. He wants me to wait for him." He sighed but I could tell it was a happy sigh. "What about you? Are you going to wait for Forth?"

"Yes, but he'll be done on Friday." I sighed, an unhappy sigh. I'd seriously gotten used to spending nearly everyday with Forth and the way he treats me like I am the center of his world, paying attention to me, not my looks or money but me. I don't know how I'm going to go through the next two weeks without seeing him or being in the same room as him. "Ai'Pha, when are you going home." I looked up at Pha and groaned inwardly. All our effort of trying to make him look disheveled and yet he still looks dashing, without even trying to fix his hair like Kit and I had. What a cheat, humph.

"Tomorrow." He answered simply.

"Are you taking Yo home or will his dad come pick you two up?"

"Dad is out of town. I'll drive him home and stay with him until dad gets back from his business trip." Lucky him. I looked down at my shoes, a little envious that my friends will get to spend their vacation with their lovers, unlike me. "What about that drink?"

"I can't go. Forth will be done in another hour or so, I have to go pick him up."

"What's wrong with his bike?" Ai'Kit looked away from his phone which he'd been busily typing on.

"Nothing. He was still sleepy this morning so I drove him to his faculty."

"Aw, I feel sorry for Forth. Why would you keep him up when you know he has exams?" I could tell by the teasing smile on Pha's face that he wasn't serious.

"It can't be helped, if I need it, I have to get it. Nothing he can't handle." I answered with a wide smile, playing along with him. Nothing of the sort happened between us last night. I'm not a sex fiend like my friends believe...maybe I am, but I know there is a time for everything - a place? not so much – and Forth said one of the exams he is writing today is one he is really weak in, so I didn't bother the man.

"Ai'Kit, leave this love-struck guy, why don't you and I go get a drink?"

"Heyyy..." I protested when Pha pushed me out of the way, so he could walk next to Kit.

"Umm..." Kit hesitated.

"Not you too. Hey, you two are going drinking with me tonight. Meet me at the bar by seven." Boss stalked off and drove away after saying that. I couldn't help but chuckle. He was clearly jealous that we were planning to spend our night with our boyfriends while he had been banned from Yo's room until Yo was done with his exams. Maybe I'll indulge him for thirty minutes or so, because I know the feeling.

One hour later and I was still sitting at the bar with Ai'Pha and Ai'Kit. I'd left my sleepy head boyfriend snoring delectably. I had hardly drank anything, still dreading having to go back to the place I don't want to call home.

Forth was still sleeping when I walked back into the room. I sat besides him and watched him sleep. I have to enjoy our relationship while it lasts. I admired his sleeping face for a while before laying across his chest and whispering quietly into his ear. "I'm sorry. I love you."    

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