15 - Beth

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I drove to the engineering department, wanting to have lunch with Forth. I searched my pockets, trying to find my phone so I could give him a call but no matter how much I searched, I couldn't find it. The phone wasn't anywhere in my car either.

I waited outside until I saw students streaming out of the building. It took me but seconds to find Forth because everyone I run into was willing and able to tell me exactly where I could find Forth.

"Oi Forth, look who's here." Lam spoke as soon as I walked into the room. He winked at me then nudged Forth with his shoulder before picking up his bag. "Aaa, people like me have no choice but to eat lunch alone. I want a lover too." Lam walked by me with a teasing smile on his face, making his way out of the classroom.

"Lunch?" Forth walked toward me with a grin as I spoke, pulling me into his strong arms and kissing me lightly on the lips.

"Yes. Give me a minute." He went back to the table he'd been standing beside and stuffed a book into a bag. He dumped the bag at an inconspicuous corner before making his way back to me. "Let's go." I gave him a questioning look.

"Won't someone steal your books?"

"No one would dare, besides I didn't leave it out in the open. Where should we go?" I shivered slightly when he placed his hand on the small of my back, leading me outside the classroom.

We ate lunch in comfortable silence, for the most part. I'd come to the conclusion that I needed to talk to him about my predicament and hopefully he and I can come to some sort of understanding, one that allows me to stay with him. I didn't need to think too extensively to conclude that I want to stay with him for as long as my heart skips a beat every time I look at him.

"Umm...Forth..." His phone rung before I could finish. My courage failed a little after having to wait for him to end the call. I stared down at my plate, moving the food around with my spoon.

"Beam, why aren't you eating?"

"Ha? Oh, I'm full. Are you done?"

I decided to hold off on the serious talk until later tonight, when we would have more privacy. My arms were tightly wrapped around his body as I sat on the back of his bike during our ride back to the engineering faculty. There was someone waiting by my car when Forth parked his bike next to it. I took my time getting off the bike and handed the helmet back to Forth, hoping that the person would notice us and move without my having to ask.

"Excuse me..." I spoke when she didn't move even after I'd stopped just in front of her.

"Are you the owner of this car? Beam?"

"Umm...yes." I looked nervously back at Forth. I hoped it wasn't some crazy girl I had a one-night stand with because she kind of seemed familiar. "Who are you?"

"I am your fiancée." My mouth dropped open in surprise before I turned to see an equally surprised reaction on Forth's face. The lady continued to speak before I could say anything to her statement. "We met at the party last time, remember? I didn't know who you were then but when my parents suddenly told me they had someone in mind as my husband, I just had to come check you out to make sure you're up to my standard and I like what I see. So it's official, as of today, you and I are engaged."


"Anyway..." She cut me off before I could finish. "I went to the medical faculty first, and some girl told me I'd find you here. This is the engineering faculty and you're a medical student but how come everyone here seems to know you? Everyone I spoke to knew you and most of them were able to point out your car to me, but nobody seemed to know exactly where you went so I waited. Who is that hot guy behind you?" Forth walked over and draped his arm around my shoulders, before giving her a smile that did not reach his eyes.

"Hi." She giggled when Forth spoke to her.

"Hi, I'm Beth." She twirled her hair around her finger as she spoke to Forth. Now I was even more convinced that I didn't want the woman my father had arranged for me. She was totally flirting with Forth in my presence.

"I'm his boyfriend." Forth's response to her introduction had me choking on air. Beth laughed before speaking again.

"You're funny. I like you." I looked up at Forth and there was no trace of amusement or anything remotely playful on his face. Beth didn't seem to notice though. "So what's your name handsome?"

"Beams boyfriend." She giggled again. Either she's blind or she doesn't pay as much attention as she needs to because Forth wasn't telling any jokes.

"I'm serious. I really want to know your name." She repeated.

"I'm serious too. Just call me Beams boyfriend. I'd actually prefer Beams husband, but boyfriend is okay for now." She finally looked up at Forth with a somewhat serious expression before turning to me.

"Is this true?"

"I...umm..." I nervously moved my weight from one foot to another. I don't want father finding out about my relationship from a third party, so I wasn't sure I wanted to give her anything concrete. If I say yes, she'll tell her parents and her parents will tell mine and I didn't want that. When I looked up at Forth, he was looking squarely at me with his brows lifted in question. I pulled Forth away from where Beth stood and spoke in a low voice. "Can you give me some time to take care of this?"

"Take care of what? Why didn't you tell her we're together? Don't tell me she was speaking the truth."

"I was trying to talk to you about that today..."

"Are you seriously engaged?" Forth didn't sound happy but he wasn't as mad as he could be about the whole situation.

"Can you give me some time? I need to go home. I have to talk to my father. I'll explain everything when I get back." I turned away from Forth and urgently made my way to my car. "Beth, you should go back home. We'll talk later. There's something I need to take care of first."

"Hey..." I didn't wait to hear what she had to say, and I didn't care about my afternoon classes. I moved her out of the way and stepped into my car. If I drive quickly enough I can make it to father's office just in time and maybe make it back to campus in time to put all this to bed once and for all. 


A/N: I had a nice fight and breakup-makeup scene planned out (in my head) but while I was writing Pha was like 'na-ah author, I won't let you make my friend cry.' So he went behind my back and ruined it.

If you're following the story, I hope you're enjoying it.

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