4 - Worried

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I looked up at the clock again, urgh, only five minutes have passed since I last checked. He said he'll be done by two, and it's already thirty minutes after two. Is he alright? I picked up my phone for the hundredth time, checking for a missed call or a message I knew I did not have. My phone is not set to silent, I knew that, but I checked that too, just to be sure.

I'm hungry and lonely. I haven't had anything since breakfast and I don't have anything edible in my room. I could walk somewhere and get some food but what if he comes while I'm out? Or even worse, he brings food after I've eaten?

Aargh, but I'm so hungry. I rolled to the other side of my bed, then rolled back a few minutes later. I want some snacks, something to keep me going until my boyfriend comes to feed me. I blushed lightly at that thought. Forth is my boyfriend. It'll probably be a while before I get used to calling him that, even in my head.

I sat up on my bed as a brilliant thought occurred to me. I don't have to walk far, and I just might get some snacks and some company.

I stood in front of Kit's door, wondering if I should use the spare key or knock. I didn't want to walk in on him and his boyfriend doing something that would blind me. I pressed my ear to the door, listening for any sound, but I heard nothing. I took my phone out of my pocket and called Kit's phone. I probably should have done this first. He didn't answer, so I knocked on the door. I wasn't surprised when N'Ming opened the door.


"Ermm, where is Kit?"

"He's sleeping."

"Okay, do you guys have anything to eat? I'm hungry." I pushed my way past N'Ming, entering the room as I spoke. A whiff of the musty smell in the room and the disheveled look of the bed was all I needed to know what those two had been up to. But I didn't care, finding something edible to keep my hunger in check was all I cared about then.

"We don't have food but there's some KitKat, if you want some."

"I want some." I stretched my hand out and picked one from the box where N'Ming had pointed to. I made myself comfortable at the desk and munched on it. I sighed and looked at my phone again. A little after three. Maybe I should call him first. What if something really did happen to him? Like an accident, that's the only reason he wouldn't be able to call me, right?

His caller i.d. showed up on my phone just as I was about dial his number. I picked up quickly.

"Baby, I'm sorry, the training went on longer than I anticipated. I'm on my way now." He sounded a little breathless. I wondered if he was running or walking very fast.

"It's fine. I'm hungry so hurry up." I guess he's fine. I can't believe how worried I was, just because he was about an hour late. Argh, I run my hand through my hair and sighed in frustration. Why did I worry so?

I stayed a little while in Kit's room, hoping that Forth would have gotten back by the time I left. He wasn't. He knocked on my door about five minutes after I'd gotten back from Kit's. He dropped the bags of food and pulled me into an embrace.

"I'm sorry na." I wrapped my arms around him, returning his hug. When he leaned down and kissed me, I relaxed into his arms more.

"I'm hungry." I spoke while nuzzling into his chest without trying to break away from the hug.

"Am I forgiven?"

"Yes." I wasn't mad at him, but I'd forgiven him for making me worry.

After filling my stomach with food, it was only natural that my libido be taken care of next. And that is how Forth became the first person I ever did 'it' with in my room.

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