19 - Lunch Date

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I rolled off my boyfriend's chest and buried myself deeper under the sheets as a knock sounded on my door.

The knock sounded again, a little louder than the first I might add. I grumbled but didn't make a move to get out from under my comfortable position. A few knocks later, Forth gave in and went to the door. I didn't pay any attention to the voices I heard after Forth opened the door and I tried to go back to sleep.

"...up, Beam wake up..." I moaned a protest at being shaken awake and tried to bury myself even deeper under the covers, but the covers were gone. I opened my eyes only to be met with Forth's piercing gaze. With quick sudden movements, I pulled him onto the bed and trapped him by spreading my body over his. I buried my face in his neck and tried to go back to sleep until I heard someone clear their throat loudly.

"Excuse me..." A voice that was too cheerful and too feminine to be Forth's spoke before I felt Forth sitting up with me still lying on top of him. I was straddling Forth's lap when I finally gave up on my sleep with a sigh and opened my eyes to see who was bothering us.


"Yes, me. I heard the news from my parents and I am officially not your fiancée, but would you accompany me today? I like your campus and I'll be very happy if you could give me a tour?"

"I don't wanna." I turned away from Beth and snuggled into Forth's chest, shutting my eyes from the bright sunlight streaming into the room.

"Aw, why not?" I heard scrapping as she pulled the chair out from under the desk. I opened my eyes long enough to see her make herself comfortable. I considered rolling off Forth's lap onto the comfortable bed but after remembering how she'd blatantly flirted with Forth, possessive me threw my arms around his neck instead and tried to ignore the intruder. Why did Forth let her into our room anyway?

She spoke again when she realized I wasn't going to answer her question. "Alright then. Forth can you give me a tour? You're the only two people I know so you're the only ones I can ask. I just have a feeling that the one for me is on this campus. There are so many hot guys here and one of them is bound to be mine. What would you two do if I go out by myself and something happens? I saw a group of guys fighting among themselves the other day, so I know that there are some violent people on this campus. It'll be such a tragedy if anything bad happened to me while I was walking around by myself..."

She wouldn't stop talking. I got off Forth's lap and made my way into the bathroom to freshen up. She was still yapping away when I walked out. I gave in and agreed to show her around campus. Forth didn't want to come because, according to him, he'd had enough of her talking but there's no way I was going to hang out with her all by myself.

One hour later we were both dying to be rid of her. She would be a cool person to hang out with if she didn't talk as much as she did. When I spotted Lam as we walked by the seven eleven, I remember what he said about being alone and I thought, why not help a friend out?

"Ai'Lam, what are you doing out here?" I stopped him before he could walk into the seven eleven.

"Ai'Beam...and Ai'Forth, hah, I should have known. You've taken my friend away from me Ai'Beam, he won't even come out for a drink when I invite him."

"Aw, I'm sorry about that. How about you have lunch with us? I'll apologize for keeping Forth locked up." I clasped my hands in an apologetic wai.

"Alright, free food. I was actually coming in here to get something to eat but since you're offering, let's go." Lam rubbed his hands in glee and led the way without asking where we were going. He didn't seem to notice Beth until she spoke.

"Hi, we haven't met. I'm Beth." I slipped my arm into Forth's and slowed our pace, so we were trailing behind Lam and Beth. Finally, Forth and I could rest our ears. We had Lam tag along the rest of the day and he seemed to be a very good listener. Needless to say, it didn't work out the way I thought it would. They didn't fall in love with each other. Beth moved to Canada for school and she is still searching for the one.

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