12 - Encounter

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After lunch I was passed around like a toy again, exchanging goodbyes and see you agains, then everyone disappeared, just like that it seemed. Apparently, Forth's mum had told the whole family I was coming over and everyone who could, came for lunch. I felt like a celebrity when I heard that, except I wasn't getting paid for the attention like actual celebrities do. We went back into Forth's room and I gladly threw myself on his bed in exhaustion.

"What do you think?" Forth asked as he lay beside me and pulled my back against his chest.

"About what?"

"My family." I turned in his arms and gave him a kiss on his chin before answering.

"Everyone is so tall." Forth laughed heartily at my observation.

"Did you feel dwarfed?" I pushed on his shoulder, trying to get him to lay flat on his back, then I arranged myself comfortably on top of his body.

"Very much so. Everyone is nice, and I couldn't tell how many people were there. How do you remember everyone's name? I kept mixing them up."

"Some of them I've known all my life and the other's I've known them all their lives, so it's a little easier for me. Not to worry, you'll soon be able to put a name to a face. Everyone who met you today likes you very much. I'm really happy about that." I shivered when he slipped his hand under my shirt and caressed my naked skin. I relaxed into him and slowly drifted into sleep.

I woke up with start when the familiar but rarely used ringtone sounded from my phone. I was hugging Forth's side with my head on his shoulder. I'd probably slipped off him sometime while I was sleeping. I removed myself carefully from his arms, trying not to wake him up.

"Father" I answered the call after fishing my phone out of my pocket.

"I need you at home, dressed and ready by eight pm for a formal party."

"Yes father."

I guess it was a good idea not to bring a change of clothes even though I'd hoped to spend all weekend with Forth. I glanced at the screen of my phone, three twenty-eight pm. We have enough time for one, maybe two rounds before I have to leave but what if someone walks in on us again? I sighed and placed my head roughly on his shoulder. He grunted as he woke up due to my action.


"I have to go back home soon." I spoke after the sleep had cleared from his face.

"Why? I thought you were staying all weekend." He threw his leg over my legs and nuzzled my cheek.

"Yea, me too but my father just called. I have to accompany him somewhere tonight." I moved my head, giving him easy access to my neck so he could kiss it.

"That's too bad. What time will you leave?" He kissed my neck like I wanted. I shivered and squirmed against him.

"At six." I answered, still squirming against him.

"Do we have time to do it once?" I stopped my squirming and tried to look at him over my shoulder.

"What if someone walks in on us?"

"The door is locked. No one can walk in even if they wanted to." Forth flipped me onto my knees and had my pants pulled down to my thighs before I could over think things. We went at it like rabbits.

I had less than an hour to spare by the time I made it home. I showered quickly and made it downstairs just in time to get in father's car. I watched the buildings, the street lights and the people on the streets flitter by as we were driven toward our destination. Father and I sat in silence the whole trip.

I politely shook hands and engaged in small talk with the people father introduced me to. After showing my face to all the people I was there to show my face to, I retreated into a corner with a drink in hand and watched people mingle and make connections.

"Hi" I was startled by a feminine voice. "Are you here to hide out?"

"Haha, yes. Are you hiding out too?" I took a sip of my drink while taking a closer look at her from the corner of my eyes. She looked okay, I guess. I don't pay attention to the ladies like I used to.

"Yes, my dad dragged me out here. I wish I was back at home watching a movie or something. Were you dragged out here or did you come of your own accord?" She asked.

"I came of my own accord. Seems my father is looking for me. See you around." She raised her glass to me in acknowledgement as I weaved through the crowd back to father's side. The rest of the night went by slowly and it was boring. It was nearly midnight by the time we made it back home.

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