20 - Will You?

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The rest of our time in school went by a little too quickly for my liking. We practically lived together the whole time and except for the very few times that I caused trouble, so we could have make up sex, we rarely had disagreements. I have been sulky this week though, not because I want make up sex but because it's my last week as a University student. I was lucky enough to land a job in the city but Forth and I won't be living together anymore.

"Beam..." I looked up at my boyfriend who was sitting across from me at an eatery. "...you're spacing out again. Is something wrong?" I let my spoon fall onto my plate with a loud clang before I propped my chin on my palm with my elbow resting on the table. I watched him watch me while he slowly chewed on his food.

"Let's get married." I don't know what reaction I was expecting when I told him that but except for the twinkle in his eyes, his facial expression hardly changed.

"Okay. When?"

He seemed a little too easy going about it, making me wonder if he seriously wanted to get married.

"Tomorrow." Forth nodded at my response without showing any signs of surprise before speaking.

"Tomorrow is too soon. We need time to let our families know and to make appropriate preparations. And you have an exam tomorrow." I did have my last exam to write the next day.

"That's why I want to do it tomorrow, right after my exam."

"Don't you want to tell your dad first?"

"He has already accepted our relationship. What's there to tell?"

"It's important we tell our parents and what about your best friends?"

"We don't need to worry about those two. They'll go along with it."

"Ai'Beam, can you give it some thought first? Tomorrow is too soon." I pouted but said nothing more. I've known all along that he wanted to marry me so him saying yes to my impromptu proposal didn't make me feel any better even though I thought it would.

Forth dropped me off at the medical faculty after lunch. I spent the rest of my afternoon rereading my notes. My friends and I put our books away at 8pm and headed back to our rooms to rest our brains for the exam the next day.

Forth wasn't in the room when I walked in. I did what I needed to do before getting into bed. I opened my eyes briefly when I felt him get into bed later that night. I considered pulling away when he pulled me against his chest but in the end I did not. It doesn't matter how sulky I am, I love sleeping in his strong arms.

I woke up slowly the next morning, my body felt cool so I reached my hand out, searching for the body which gives off the best heat, heat I've gotten used to waking up with, but it wasn't there. Just then an alarm I don't remember setting went off. I groaned, reaching for my phone only to find it wasn't an alarm but a text from my MIA boyfriend.

From Forth

Good morning babe. I hope this woke you up. Sorry I had to leave early. You were asleep when I got back last night so we couldn't talk. There's breakfast on the table. Make sure you eat before you leave. I'll see you in your room after your exam. I love you😘😘.

I wish he was here to help me release some tension before my exam later today. I got out of bed and got ready for school. And yes, I didn't forget to have breakfast.

During the late afternoon, I was relatively calm all through the exam and I think I did well. I would have been disappointed if I didn't, not after all the time I put into studying.

After the exam, I stayed at the medical faculty for a little while longer, talking to my classmates since I didn't know when I'd see some of them again, if ever again. When Forth sent me a text asking what time I'll be coming back, I remembered I hadn't seen him all day and excused myself from my classmates. My best friends and I were meeting later for celebratory drinks so I didn't bother with them.

The sky was darkening by the time I made it my building. I paused at the doorway upon entering the room. The lights were out, and my study table was decorated with candles. Forth walked over to me before I'd shut the door completely.

"What..." He was on one knee before I could complete my sentence. My heart was beating so fast I couldn't hear myself think.

"Baramee, today being our last day as students, I know our lives will be different once we leave this place, but I don't want our relationship to change in anyway. I love coming home to you at night, eating meals together and just being in the same space with you and I don't want that to change so...will you marry me?" I looked from his face to his hands which held a ring in them.

"I..." My face was flushed with pleasure, disbelief and a little bit of shame. Shame because compared to what I did yesterday, this is way more romantic and that left me speechless. I slowly reached for the ring and slipped it onto my finger before pulling him onto his feet. I didn't care that the ring was a little loose. We can get it fixed later.

"Is that a yes?" I nodded, still speechless, before flinging my arms around his neck and kissing his lips. I was so excited about the prospects of our future I could barely eat the food Forth made for dinner. Even when we met up with my friends, I didn't pay much attention to them. That didn't change anything though since my friends had their own problems, being, having to leave their lovers at school. I felt really bad watching them mop, so I couldn't tell them about our engagement. They could have noticed if they wanted to because I had the ring on the whole time. The one thought that run through my mind the whole night was - Forth and I are getting married.

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