2 - Not Shy

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My believe in his love for me had already budged and was bearing fruit before he stormed angrily into the hotel room.

I turned to Forth and asked in a low tone, so my nosy friends couldn't hear.

"How did you know which area I was yesterday?" I'd only just remembered that I'd forgotten to ask him how he knew which area I was at. That is before he'd called Ai'Pha to ask him which hotel I was in.

"I followed you." He answered in an equally low voice.

"Huh?" Should I be worried or moved? I wasn't sure...yet.

"I saw your car peel out of your faculty when I came to get you for lunch. I was worried something might be wrong, considering the way you were driving." Okay, I'm leaning toward moved. He followed me because he was worried, more importantly he'd come to get me for lunch.

"That's because I was trying to make it to the hotel before three PM, so I wouldn't be billed for another night."

"Eh? You didn't book the room just to take that girl there?" I huffed at the surprise on his face and in his tone.

"No, why would you think that?" I couldn't help but narrow my eyes at him. Well, maybe I know why he'd think that. I didn't exactly keep it a secret when I used to after the ladies. I still like the ladies but for now, Forth's got my attention.

"What did you expect me to think? I lost you in the traffic and when I found you, you were talking to her on the other side of the road. And then Ai'Pha told me you may be at the hotel."

"Why didn't you come over if you saw me talking to her before?"

"I did. You were gone by the time I made it there. Why do you think I called Ai'Pha to ask him where you could be? And if you were not originally planning to take the girl there, why was she there?"

"I couldn't help that she threw herself at me and I let her because I was a little pent up. I had not been with anyone else since you..." I caught myself just in time, or so I thought. Forth smiled and leaned in closer to me.

"Since me? The first time or the second time?" I moved my head back as he continued to lean in close, a triumphant smirk evident on his face. I'm not going to answer that. I don't want to inflate his ego by letting him know I have been unable to do it with anyone since the first time between he and I.

"Ai'Beam, I'll kiss you if..." I kissed him, more like pecked his lips. He can't threaten me with public display since I don't mind it, especially not when the spectators are my best friends and their lovers.

"Hey, there are other people here you know." Ai'Pha had his hand covering N'Yo's eyes as he spoke.

"So? Haven't you seen two people kiss before?" N'Yo was blushing so hard, he looked adorable. I turned to see if Forth was watching him, but he wasn't, he was watching me with a smile. I guess I'm still a little insecure.

"It doesn't matter. No lovey dovey when Yo and I are around." Pha was acting like that peck was a big deal, as if they haven't done more than that.

"Ai'Pha, stop acting like you're innocent. Haven't you and N'Yo done more than that?" Yo blushed even harder and fidgeted uncomfortably. What's this? You'd think they haven't done the dirty yet. "Are you two perhaps waiting untill you get married?" I guess they haven't done the dirty yet, seeing as how N'Yo looked even more uncomfortable than before. Hohoho, my friend must be very pent up then. I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off if I was dating someone as adorable as Yo and they've been dating for over two months already.

I turned to Ai'Kit, him and Ming were in their own world. Look at them, they've only been dating for about five weeks but I'm sure Kit is probably five months pregnant by now. I was really itching to tease Pha about his lack of action, but I didn't want to make Yo any more uncomfortable than he already was.

Our unplanned group dinner lasted a little over two hours. It was fun having more people to talk to and I loved that I didn't feel left out, that I wasn't a third wheel or a fifth wheel, whatever you want to call it.

N'Mings car was already in the parking lot when Forth and I arrived at the medical faculty on his motor bike.

"Do you want me to come pick you up when you're done?" Forth asked after I'd gotten off the bike and taken my helmet off.

"No. You should get some rest. I'm sure I'll be able to drive to my dorm." I handed the helmet to him.

"Alright. When do you plan to get the paint on your car fixed? I'll go with you."

"Probably on the weekend. At least she didn't slash my tires. I'll let you know the exact day and time when I decide."

"Okay. Can I get a kiss before I go?" I tilted my head up, ready to kiss him, but then I stopped and looked skeptically at his helmet. He chuckled and took it off before claiming my lips in a sweet kiss which had me melting into his arms. I couldn't help the wide smile playing on my lips when he pulled back.

"Get a room you two." Ai'Kit said as he walked by on his way into the building.

"Don't think I didn't see what you two were up to in the car." I countered. I didn't really see anything but knowing N'Ming, he most definitely wouldn't let Kit out of his car without trying something.

"Fuck you."

"Hey, wait for me." I gave Forth a peck on the lips before turning to jog after Ai'Kit.

"You really should consider your surroundings before doing those things." Ai'Kit said when I caught up to him.

"Stop being a hypocrite. You were practically swallowing N'Mings face just now. Did you think about your surroundings? I even heard you moan." I teased him with a smile on my face.

"There's no way you heard me moan. Besides, you two were in the open, we weren't." See? Ming didn't let him go without trying something.

"You're not even denying it. You did do something in the car then?"

"Shut up. I hope Ai'Pha doesn't come back late, we don't have much time left." I could tell he was trying to keep me from teasing him, but I didn't mind since I was feeling a little tired myself.

"Yeah, we should probably go back to our dorms. I'm tired and I'm getting sleepy. I don't know if I can focus."

Ai'Pha walked in to the study room about fifteen minutes after Kit and I did. After trying to concentrate on our studies for about thirty minutes, we all agreed we couldn't do it, so we went back to our rooms to get some much-needed sleep.

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