6 - Fail

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When the class ended, I was out of my seat and ready to bound out the door before the professor had finished packing up his stuff, but I was stopped by a firm grip on my hand before I could.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" I pried Ai'Pha's fingers off my arm before answering his question.

"Engineering department." I rubbed my arm, where Pha had released his grip.

"You can't go. Did you forget we have a meeting with the professor?"

"Isn't the meeting supposed to be...oh crap!..."

"Yep, you can't go until the meeting is over." The smug look on Ai'Pha's face was irritating. Now it's my school work getting in the way of my plans. "You said you needed him to give you some pointers. You'll have to postpone seeing your boyfriend." He still had that smug look on his face.

"I don't like how happy you look right now." I stated with a frown.

"What can I say? I'm seeing a new side to you every day and it's interesting." I really didn't feel like being teased by my friends at that moment.

"Interesting for you to see but not interesting for me, the one who has to go through it all. Hey Ai'Pha, can I give you my list of questions? You can explain the professors answers to me tomorrow."

"Absolutely no. You should know that it'll be better if you're there. What if you have follow up questions? You know the project is thirty percent of our grade, right?"

I knew all that, I don't even know what I was hoping to achieve by asking Ai'Pha that. I slumped back onto my chair and watched Pha and Kit leisurely put their books away. I sent a text to Forth, asking him to wait so I'll come pick him up after my meeting.

The meeting lasted longer than I would have liked but I didn't realize it until it was over. I had a lot of questions about my end of semester project and like Ai'Pha pointed out, I ended up having to ask some follow up questions too.

In the end, it didn't really matter that I was late because Forth wasn't ready to leave when I got to the Engineering department. I had to wait another thirty minutes before he was ready to leave.

"Sorry I kept you waiting so long. How has your day been?" I grabbed his head and pulled him into a kiss before he could strap his seatbelt on. "Did you miss me?" He spoke against my lips. I answered by kissing him again. "I'll take that as a yes. Thank you for picking me up, I was worried about not being able to ride back since I'm so tired." I nodded at him before putting the car in drive.

"You've been very busy this week." I said as I drove out of the parking lot.

"Yeah, I was hoping to have an easy day today but one of the buses we scheduled cancelled for mechanical reasons and I had to run around trying to find a replacement." He yawned and stretched his long arms as far as they could go.

"Have you had dinner? "

"I don't think so. I don't remember if I've eaten anything today."

"Ai'Forth, you shouldn't skip meals no matter how busy you are." I tried to adopt a reprimanding tone, making him chuckle but I was secretly pleased that I got to scold him. "Let's get some takeout on the way."

"Yes babe."

I had to drag him into the bathroom to take a shower or he would have fallen asleep right after eating. He'd dozed most of the time while he ate. When he finally walked out of the shower looking all wet and sexy, he went straight to bed. From the moment I picked him up, I knew my plan of keeping him up all night would fail but I was still disheartened that it did.

I mournfully made my way to the bed and lay my disappointed self down. The only comfort I got was his scent filling the room. The smell of cigarettes, which used to be the primary scent in his room, had slowly dissipated. I rolled over and tucked myself into his side before slowly falling asleep.

Forth was up and about at five am. I woke up to him nuzzling my neck, causing me to feel excited until I opened my eyes. I couldn't help the disapproving look I gave him when I noticed he was dressed and ready to go. I brushed my teeth and washed the sleep off my face before driving him to his department where the students were supposed to meet up to take the bus.

The only thing I got to hold me over for the weekend were kisses. I went back to his room and slumped back into bed. The least I could do was sleep my worries away and I had my project to keep me busy all weekend.

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