11 - Visit

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Forth was waiting outside when I drove through the gates of his family's house. He pulled me into him and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer. By the time we pulled apart my breath was coming in short rasps and my lips tingled.

"I missed you." He leaned into the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply.

"What a touching reunion." I stiffened at the voice, one I'd never heard before. For a moment I'd forgotten where we were.

"Don't worry, she's my mum." Forth chuckled at the bewildered look on my face. I don't care about doing this in front of other people but in front of his parents is a different thing.

I removed my hands from around his neck and, while clutching onto his arm, I turned to the tall woman at the door. She smiled before opening the door wider, beckoning me to enter. She led me to a sofa, where I had to let go off Forth's arm before taking a seat.

"You must be the one my son talks so passionately about, doctor Beam, right?" Her laugh lines showed when her face crinkled into a heartwarming smile.

"Yes, I'm still a student doctor though." I replied, finally being able to smile. I smiled even wider when Forth handed me a bottle of cold water. How did he know I was thirsty?

"You haven't had lunch yet, have you?" Forth's mum inquired but without waiting to hear my answer, she entered another room which I presumed to be the kitchen.

"Lunch won't be ready for a while, let's go to my room." Forth pulled me up off the sofa and led me to his room which was on the top floor of their three-story house.

"Your house is huge. How many people live here?"

"We never have a set number. My parents like having people around so the house is always full of people. You'll meet those who are currently at home come lunch time." I didn't get a chance to admire his room before I was pulled into another kiss, one that was more demanding and passionate. I let the heat consume me as I pulled us closer, losing myself in his kiss.

When he pushed me back until my calves touched his bed, I let myself drop onto the soft mattress before pulling him to join me. He settled between my legs, still kissing me.

"Ai'Forth, you look like you're having fun." Forth growled at the intruder after breaking the kiss without bothering to get off me. "You bring someone home for the first time and you don't bother introducing him to me?" Another glance at the intruder and I noticed he was wearing a suit.

"P'Ken, shouldn't you be at work?" Forth spoke, still lying still between my legs.

"I came home for lunch. You know how I love mums cooking and she said she's making something special. Are you going to introduce us or what?"

"I'll introduce him at lunch. Can you stop bothering us now? We have some catching up to do."

"Catching up my ass. You two go to the same university and based on the information I have, you've only been apart a few days. You can have him all to yourself when you go back to school but while he's here he belongs to us. Now get off him." The intruder grabbed Forth's shoulders and forced him off me before helping me to sit up. My face was still flushed from the kisses among other emotions, embarrassment, surprisingly not being one of them.

Waaa, he looked almost as tall, if not taller than Forth. I sat on the bed looking up at him. He also seemed to have certain similarities to Forth.

"Hi, I'm Ken, Forth's big brother. How're you doing doctor Beam?" My suspicion that the two of them were directly related was confirmed. I slipped my hand into the one he offered in greeting.

"I'm doing good. How about you? How're you doing?" I shook his hand with a smile. He held my hand tightly, pulling me up and out the door before I had time to react. I heard an audible groan from Forth who quickly scrambled off the bed and came with us.

I was passed around to everyone who had gathered in the house; cousins, nieces, nephews, everyone was related and what was even worse was that I was the shortest adult in the room. No no, I take that back. The worst thing was that some of the nieces and nephews who were over fifteen years old were taller than me. One would think they were having a 'who is the tallest' competition in the house. Ai'Kitty, I'm sorry I ever teased you about your height because now I know what it feels like to be the shortest.

Even after all the introductions, I could hardly remember who was who. I however, did my best to remember his parents- his dad had come home for lunch too- and I couldn't forget P'Ken even if I wanted to. I'd forever remember him as the brother who walked in on us and didn't flinch. His family already knew about his sexuality and weren't bothered by it.

Aside from my occasionally mixing up their names, the lunch went well. The dinning table was filled with chatter and laughter. I wasn't given a moment to think because everyone was interested in knowing more about me and about our relationship, but I choked slightly when someone asked Forth if his bringing me home meant we were going to get married.

I've always obeyed my father because that was the promise I made to my mother on her death bed, and after over hearing a conversation father had with one of his business partners, I did everything in my power to make sure only my two best friends got close to my heart. The number one reason I never dated was that my marriage had already been decided and yet here I am, selfishly falling in love with Forth everyday and allowing him to love me like we'll always be together.

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