Hanahaki Disease

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Tord's POV

I woke up thinking it was gonna be a good day.


Like always, I started coughing up blossom petals. I, once again, couldn't breath. And it was like slowly dying, coming back to life and doing it all over again the next day.

I don't know why I thought today would be any better than any other day I've had to live through, I guess I just had a hopefully feeling.

"TORD!" I heard Edd yell from downstairs.

I wanted to shout back, but I couldn't stop coughing and wheezing on the petals. They were clogged in my throat, and it was becoming harder than ever to try and choke them up.

Then something happened that's never happened before.

I coughed up a whole flower.

This means it was only getting worse. I would fix myself, but there's just one problem.


I know, it sounds weird, not knowing who you love, but it only gets weirder.

Most of the time when I cough up petals, they're blossom petals, but this flower was a blue flower.

I wondered why it was blue. Why not purple, or red, or yellow, or orange!? Why blue?

They say that depending on the color of your petals, you can tell who your love is. I've always had a guess that the pink petals meant it was the girl from the coffee shop. She always wears the same pink headband, but I guess it isn't her after-all.

I just stopped my great coughing fest, wheezing to catch my breath and quickly tidying up the mess I'd made.

Then I proceeded to quickly run downstairs so that me being absent for, like, 10 minutes after Edd called me; didn't look so suspicious.

When I got to the kitchen, everyone turned to greet me like normal, but then started staring at me with wide eyes.

I didn't know why, but it was starting to freak me out.

I looked around me, but I couldn't see anything. I looked back at everyone else, and they were still staring.

"Okay, what's with the weird faces?" I smirked awkwardly, trying to take the tension I felt from the mood around me.

"T-Tord...your...your..." Edd stuttered quietly.

"My what?"

Edd pointed to my mouth.

I opened my mouth and used my finger to feel around, I could feel something soft and smooth, covered with my saliva. I instantly knew what I was.

I took it out, and it was a blue petal. I looked around at everyone but they just sat there, not moving, not speaking.

Then Tom said something that REALLY pissed me off.

"You been eating flowers, commie?" He laughed

I knew it was a joke, but that's probably why it made me even more mad.

I glared at him intensely.

If he knew what the situation actually was, I bet he wouldn't be laughing then.

Or would he?

I opened my mouth to say something but I started coughing and wheezing again.

Edd ran over to me, followed by Matt and, surprisingly, also Tom.

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