Nerd! Tord x Jock! Tom

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Requested by Tordttom

Tord's POV

Today was another day!
More like another day of being pushed around and taunted for no apparent reason.

I slumped in my seat. My dad looked away from the wheel for a second to look at me before sighing and looking back at the road.

"What's wrong now Tord?" He asked

"You already know! I can't take it anymore dad! It's been going on for ages! And they don't even give me a proper reason to bully me! Can't I just exchange schools?" I huffed

"No, because then we have to move again, and I'm sure it'll get better, I mean, you do have Edd" he chuckled

"Yeah... I guess he helps me a lot" I smiled a bit

The car came to a sudden holt. Then I realized that we were here. I gulped, snatching my backpack from in front of me and jumping out of the car. I slung my bag over my shoulder and waved goodbye to my dad.

"Bye Tord!" He smiled

"Bye dad" I responded dull'y

As he drove away, I huffed and turned to face the school gates.
'Another day of torture' I thought
And I proceeded to walk into the gates, hoping to run into the one person I ACTUALLY wanted to, but of course, I didn't.

I had my head down, looking at the floor, just trying to find Edd. Then I bumped into someone.

"Hey!" I recognized that voice

I rubbed my head and looked up, readjusting my glasses in the process. And as my vision adjusted itself to my surroundings, I saw the one person I didn't want to run into today.

"Watch it you little pipsqueak!" He yelled in my face

"S-sorry" I stuttered quietly, trying not to make a fight, or an argument at the least

"Next time watch where your going! I don't need nerds like you contaminating me with your love for homework!" He flicked my forehead

"Ow, ok" I spoke quietly

He turned around and walked away. I rubbed my head where he flicked it. I carefully stud back up, only to be greeted by the one and only Edd himself.

"Wow, where were you when I needed help?" I asked annoyed

"Hiding, I wasn't gonna get beat up, remember the last time a kid stepped up to him" Edd shivered

"Yeah yeah, whatever, can we just go?" I asked

"Be my guest" Edd said while rolling his eyes

.*+ In Class +*.

Edd's POV

I sat next to Tord and Matt. Matt's one of Tom's friends, but he doesn't mind mixing with me and Tord, but he mostly sticks around me when he isn't with Tom.

"Hey Matt?" I asked

"Hm?" He looked to me

"Why is Tom so mean to Tord?" I asked

"... I shouldn't really tell..."

"Please, if you tell me, I promise I won't tell Tom you told me anything"

"... ok"

Then he whispered in my ear. My eyes widened.

Tord's POV

Edd had wide eyes. Then he turned to me. I was so confused, I looked around me to see if he was just staring at something else, but he wasn't, so I turned back around, and he did that annoying cat smirking thing.

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