Girly au

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(This was requested by Tordttom )

(Also, is this my au? Plz tell me if it isn't)

Tord's POV

I was sat with Edd in art class. We were just talking about what we were gonna wear after school.

"I'm gonna wear my green top that goes down on one shoulder and goes over my hands, with my black skirt and some black converse, how about you?" Edd said

"Well, I was thinking we could wear the same, just instead of green I could have red" I replied

"That's perfect!" Edd exclaimed

I smiled at him and started to draw again. I wasn't as good as Edd. He was the master at drawing, I was just here because it's fun.

.*+ Time Skip +*.

Me and Edd ran straight home. I've never matched with anyone before, and Edd was like my best friend, so this was gonna be fun. Me and Edd weren't transgender, but we liked wearing skirts and dresses, because if any other boys have ever tried it, you can see just how good it is. It's like giving your legs space instead of keeping them hidden inside shorts or jeans. Plus when it's hot, they come in handy.

I reached my house, Edd parted with me a bit earlier since he lives down the street. I opened the door to see my mum talking with my dad about something.

"Hi mum! Hi Dad!" I cheered happily

They turned around and smiled at me, they gave me a little wave and looked back at each other and started talking again. I ran up to my room and burst open the door. I opened my wardrobe and pulled out my outfit. I slipped everything on and called Edd. Luckily he picked up.

"Hey Edd, we never said where we're meeting up" I said

"We're gonna have to meet at the park, Matt said he wanted to come, is that ok? I know you like it when it's just me and you, but he feels like we're drifting apart a bit" Edd explained

"Ok, that's fine, I don't mind it at all, I mean he's your boyfriend" I laughed

"Is it also ok if he brings one of his friends?" Edd asked

"Sure, the more the merrier" I responded

"Ok, thanks so much Tord! Cya there!"


Then I hung up. I honestly didn't really mind Matt coming, because he already knows that me and Edd like wearing this type of stuff, but I'm scared this new guy will make fun of me. I just sighed it off and walked out of my room and down the stairs.

"Where are you going hunny?" My mum asked

"Oh, I'm going to the park with Edd, is that ok?" I asked

"Of course, but be back at sunset"

"Ok, bye mum, love you" I waved goodbye

"Love you too" she waved back

I walked out of the door with pride. I didn't care if this new guy didn't like me just because if the way I like dressing. It's a free world where I can do anything I want! And I wasn't just gonna let this guy push me down because of it. Besides, I haven't even met him yet, maybe he's not like that, I hope.

.*+ Time Skip +*.

I made it to the park. No one was here yet, so I just sat in the bench and waited. Then I heard someone do a fake cough behind me. I turned round to see a boy with a blue hoodie, spiked hair, piercings, and no eyes? Then he held his hand out to me.

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