Neko au x Prince au

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Tord's POV

I was walking through my garden before thoughts started flooding my mind, making me stop and think.

I don't have any friends, only butlers, so I'm always alone.

I hate being alone. Just the thought of spending the rest of my life alone makes me sad. The only other sort of human interaction I'll get is when I'm forced to marry another princess.

I want friends, even if it's just one.

I keep thinking about it; and how it's just one of the many problems that I can't fix.

I'll never make friends. Especially since I'm not aloud out into the outside world.

Apparently the people outside of the castle gates are called 'peasants', so my father doesn't allow me to go near any of them.

I sighed and started walking again until I stepped on something, hearing a screech and a hiss as I did so.

I looked down, a cats tail stuck under my shoe.

I panicked, quickly pulling up my foot and letting the cat steal its tail back, it's back arching as it inched backwards - away from me.

We never allowed pets here either. My father would call them 'dirty scamps', but this cat looked very friendly.

It was just hurt, probably thinking I hurt it on purpose, that's all. It didn't want to look as scary as it did, it was just in pain. And at the hands of me.

"Ah-! I'm so sorry! I'm not gonna hurt you - I mean - I didn't mean to hurt you."

I slowly put my hand forward, and for some reason it seemed to loosen its stance, letting me get closer. It's like it understood I was apologizing.

I carefully picked it up and took it in my arms, looking around as I ran back with him, hiding him by covering his body with my cape.


I made it to my door, and the cat was trying to scamper out of my arms.

I looked around before I let him fall out of my arms, landing on all four of his legs as he ran into my room.

I followed in after, quickly closing and locking my door so that no one could get in and so the cat couldn't get out.

I turned back around to the cat on my bed, looking panicked and scared.

I wanted to calm it down. It was still scared, and I'm pretty sure his tail still stings.

I've never had a pet before, but I've heard about the things people do with them. So, I decided I'd try and pet it's head.

It quickly started to calm down, and it's soft purrs echoed throughout my silent room.

I wonder how it got here in the first place.

Tom's POV

My tail still stung, but it wasn't any type of intense pain, so it meant I was fine.

The boy who took me in suddenly moved, ruining my comfort as he left the room and into another, which I assumed was a bathroom.

But he was royalty, for all I knew, it could've been another bedroom.

I so badly wanted to get under the covers in my neko form.

It wasn't that I hated my cat form, but sleeping in it was pretty uncomfortable, and all I wanted to do right now was take a nap.

Time skip

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