Monster! Tom x Pastel! Tord

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Requested by LeilaTheLittleDevil

Edd's POV

It's been a week since Tord came back and apologized to us. He's honestly a much better and happier person. He's also a pastel, which is fine with me, he likes what he likes, and it's also one of his changes.

Matt and I had forgiven him... BUUUUUT... Tom isn't the most forgiving person in the world, but we're... KIND OF getting somewhere.... I think.

Tord has tried literally everything to get Tom's forgiveness, but it seems like nothings working. It's only been pushing Tom, which is rising his anger. It's been making him get verbally violent at Tord, and I'm just scared that Tom won't keep his patience for much longer, and he might go physically violent. Tord has also grown out of the fighting thing, and fighting back, which means he's not as strong as he used to be, and he's honestly a bit scared of Tom, but he never lets that make him stop trying to get Tom to understand he HAS changed.

I just hope Tom doesn't eventually snap...

Tom's POV

Tord was pushing my patience. I HATE HIM. I don't even know why he has the CHEEK to even step foot in our apartments again.

Everyone was currently in MY apartment, which means I obviously locked myself in my room. And OBVIOUSLY Tord was knocking at my door, trying to convince me to come out.

"No! Go away!" I shouted

"Cmon, you do this every time we come over! We come over to spend time with you! Not to watch you lock yourself in your room and never come out until we all leave!" Tord argued

"Well today's different! So I suggest you get out of here Tord! Your slowly pushing me over the edge!" I growled

"No! I don't care if you don't come out, I will sit outside of your door and wait for you"

"Just piss off! I'm being serious this time!"

"No" I heard him mutter

I didn't hear anything else. I just sat there looking at my hands, they were turning purple, along with my feet, and I had a purple tail with a pair of purple horns.

"It's this time of the year" I quietly sighed to myself

"Hey... Tom... if... it is actually serious... do you wanna talk about it?..." I heard Tord whisper

I paused for a minute. I thought about it, then I decided that talking about it wouldn't be so bad, as long as he wouldn't snitch on me. I walked to my door and sat down with my back resting on it. I put my legs up and rested my now-purple arms on my knees. I sighed and rested my head back onto the door.

"It's just.. something... special? Or... monstrous?... it happens once a year... but I HATE IT to the core... and no one knows about it... that's why I can't tell you what it is..." I sighed

"Well... maybe I could help, and I promise I won't tell anyone" I heard him shuffling from behind the door

"...fine... but you have to swear on your own life that you won't tell a single sole..."

"I swear on everything"

I sighed. Getting up and reaching for the door handle. Just as I was about to grasp it, I stopped and thought...

'Why am I telling this commie anything? I'm supposed to hate him, and he's supposed to hate me... but he does seem like he's changed... maybe this won't be so bad...'

I took a deep breath, in and out, and grasped the door handle, turning it and opening the door. I quickly dragged Tord in by his arm and slammed the door behind me. I locked the door so Edd and Matt wouldn't come in.

I felt something on my tail. I quickly turned round to see Tord gently stroking it. I looked at him, confused. He noticed I was looking at him, and he looked up. He let go and his eyes widened, and his mouth dropped.

He got up and walked towards me. You could see the sparkle in his eyes, he looked fascinated. He cupped my cheek and stroked my hair. I was so confused.

"Can I touch them?" He asked in awe, pointing to my horns

"Um... sure?" I had a questioning tone

He gasped and smiled. He used his finger to tap the top of them. He made an "OW" noise and quickly snatched his finger back. He sucked away the blood and wafted it in the air.

"Sorry!" I panicked, but I don't know why

"It's ok, it was my fault" he laughed "give me your hands for a minute"

I was confused, but did it anyway. He had his hands out, and I put mine on top. He used his thumbs to stroke my hands. The wonder in his eyes was amazing.

'How can he be so fascinated by a monster like me?' I thought

"It's so amazing! Look at how sharp your nails are now! And the color is beautiful!" He smiled

I looked up and examined him for a bit. His hair was in his normal stupid but cute style, pink blush was tinted across his cheeks, a long with some tiny white sparkles that were dotted randomly around them. The sparks in his eyes showed a lot about the way he felt at that moment. He wore a pastel red cardigan on top of a white crop-top, white denim shorts, and black and white sneakers. And rested on his right ear, tangled with his hair, was a pink blossom flower.

I could feel my face getting red. I felt hot. His choice of clothing complimented his complection perfectly. I gulped, which made him look up at me.

"Are you ok? Your face is really red. Oh! Is this something that happens when your in this form?" He held one of my hands while he used the other tub cup my left cheek

"Um, no, just don't ask" I said

"Oh..." he paused as he examined me, his eyes narrowed, he knew what was going on

His face suddenly lit a light shade of red. He let go of my other hand, not braking eyes contact, and used it to cup my other cheek. I could feel my heart going at 100 miles an hour. I felt my face get hotter as he got closer to me. I felt my gaze leave his eyes and look down. I was trying not to make eyes contact, but my face turned crimson when I saw his perfect figure being shown from the gap between his shorts and his crop-top.

I looked back up at his face, trying to get away from anything that could... give me different feelings.
(Haha! Wink win, nudge nudge?... no?... ok, I'll leave now, my life is so messed up TwT)
He obviously noticed my completely reddened face. I clenched my eyes closed, trying not to look at him. Then I felt him push his body onto mine. I didn't open my eyes, but I decided to finally speak up, although my voice was very raspy from trying not to let myself get out of hand.

"W-what a-a-are y-you do-oing?" I stuttered

"Nothing~" He said in a sing-song voice

I felt something touch my nose. So I slowly opened my eyes. Tord had his nose booped together with mine, and his face was very close to mine. He smiled at me, which made my heart skip a beat. He pulled away and pecked my lips. Then everything went black.

Tord's POV

I think I did something wrong, because Tom just passed out. His face was super red and steam was coming from him. I looked around, and found a glass of water on his shelf. I grabbed the water and chucked it onto his face. He cooled down, and the steam was gone, and his face was slowly turning back into its normal color, but he wasn't waking up.

I just giggled at him. I simply laid next him, and closed my eyes to fall asleep. As I was about to drift off, I felt something warm cuddle me and pull me closer. I opened my eyes to see Tom cuddling me. He looked like he was asleep, but I could tell he wasn't. I hugged back, making myself comfortable and closing my eyes.

"I know your awake" I cat-smirked

I felt him flinch. I cuddled him a bit tighter to let him know it was ok. I felt him settle. I soon fell asleep, catching my ride to dream town.

Thank you so much for requesting this, I had fun writing it
Word count: 1463

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