The End (Reverse) au

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Tord's POV

I was just about to push that beautiful, big, red button, when I was interrupted when the commotion of my door getting kicked down made me jump and flinch back.

I spun around on my feet to see Tom - honestly, he doesn't show up for days and now he's finally back? Give me a break.

He didn't look happy, but when was he? At this point it didn't really seem to faze me.

"Ah - Tom! What are you doing here?..." I grimaced.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing! Why are YOU, here!?" He hissed, holding up a wanted poster with my name and face on it.

I put my hands up in the air; as if he had a gun to my head, and started walking towards him.

"Okay, you got me. I only came back to get something I left behind"

"Left behind what!?" He spat, throwing the poster to the floor violently.

I had no other plan.

I tackled him to the floor and held his arms still in the desperate grip of my hands.

He was struggling, trying to free himself of my grasp. I'm not gonna be able to keep him still for much longer, he's much stronger than I estimated.

Then I had an idea.

He may not like my idea, but that's fine - he doesn't like me anyway.

Tom's POV

Tord was bringing his face closer to mine.

He had me pinned onto the floor so that I couldn't move, and he was trying his best to keep me still - but the more I fought back, the less energy he had.

At this point he was so close to me that our noses were touching, and I barely had time to prepare myself for whatever he had planned on trying.

I braced myself for what was coming.

I tightened my fists, getting ready to swing a punch if I had to.

He was swift, and I could barely tell what he was doing until it actually happened.

I felt something soft on my lips.

When I finally gained realization of the situation, I froze. I don't know whether I was more shocked or more confused.

When he finally let go, he quickly got off of me and started running back to the red button.

I didn't know what that thing was gonna do, but I knew I couldn't let him get to it - I needed to snap out of it and go after him again, but my legs hesitated before my brain finally screamed at them to move.

It was such a close call. I could've missed him if I was one second off - but I managed to grab his wrist and throw him into the wall, pinning him firmly against it Incase he tried to run again.

"No, no, no, no, no! Get off of me you pest! You ruin everything! You always have you always will! Just let me do what I want!" He screamed, thrashing his body around in my grip as to try and escape.

He looked like a dam kid - until he looked back up at me, and it's like my eyes fixated, throwing everything back into place.

His red eyes were gleaming and his lips were soft but glossy, slightly parted as he clenched his teeth together in irritation towards me.

It was like a trance, something you could get sucked in to if you looked for too long.

I felt it before, when he kissed my lips. It was soft and comforting - even if it was trying to be used for evil intentions. It just felt nice.

It felt addicting. 

I bit his bottom lip, asking for permission to gloss his tongue over with mine - only for him to deny.

It only made me more needy, making my urges grow stronger by the seconds.

I pushed my leg in between his thighs, making him gasp. I took this to my advantage and shoved my tongue in his mouth.

He didn't even put up a fight - whether it was because I kept rubbing my leg in between his thighs or not, he seemed willing enough not to put up a fight that he'd obviously lose.

When we parted for our essential god-forsaken oxygen, I dragged my tongue a long his, creating a bridge of saliva that connected our mouths.

Before going back to taste him once again, I inspected the state he was in.

He was desperate to keep himself up, his whole body quivering, his legs slightly bent between my own as he tried hard to keep himself from falling or losing balance, his tongue dripping with both of our saliva as it dropped over his lips glossy lips. His eyelids dropped slightly over his eyes and his face was burning red from embarrassment and lust.

He was out of it, panting heavily to the beat of his anxious heart.

He'd officially been taken over by someone else, something he'd probably never experience before - and that's why he liked it.

I was quick to end his resting, sticking my tongue back into his mouth as I pushed against him again, making my leg harshly push against him, earning me a slight mumbled moan - he was trying to keep it in as much as he could.

He was embarrassed by his own physical state, trying not to make anymore big reactions as to prevent from embarrassing himself more.

I wasn't just going to let that go unpunished.

I was going to make him make those noises again - and this time I was going to hear them loud and clear.

I slowly bit along his neck and his shoulder, his breathe hitching and his body jolting as I bit down.

I then made my way to his collarbone, taking another small bite - this time a large moan escaping his mouth as his body hitched down.

I couldn't stop looking at him - he was a beautiful, lustful mess.

I slowly leaned back in, kissing him again.

It wasn't as rough this time. It was sweet and comforting - a sort of signal to tell him that it was okay and that I was finished. I wasn't going to embarrass him anymore right now.

Time skip/3 years later

Tord's POV

I was sitting on the sofa, cuddled into Toms side as I randomly started thinking about the past again.

After i almost took over the world and ended up falling in love with Tom, I decided to leave the red army.

I left Paul and Pat as the new leaders of the red army, leaving everything I ever insured myself in their hands.

After 2 years of dating, Tom finally proposed to me. We worked hard to buy a new house and everything, and now we live a peaceful life.

Word count: 1134

Lmao this was so hard to read through - so cringe 😔🤚🏻
Anyway, I hope I edited this a lot better because reading the old writing was emotional pain.

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