Eddsworld meet OP Eddsworld (au?)

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Edd's POV

It was a normal day!


Okay, so it WAS a normal day.

I ran down the hallway to see what was going on, and not to my surprise, Tom and Tord were fighting...again...

"Hey, whats going on?" I asked in a pout.


"I DIDNT MEAN TO!" Tord argued back.

I let out a deep sigh of disappointment.

My two best friends are morons. Complete morons.

"Okay, how about we solve this WITHOUT shouting then." I glared. "Tord, you fix Susan while me and Tom go and get more cola from the store."

"Fine." Tom and Tord both growled in unison.

Me and Tom then left and went on our way to the store.

Matt was now alone in the house with Tord, so hopefully he doesn't piss him off even more (somehow?).

The last time he did that he got shouted at by Tord and ended up crying, so when I came home he wouldn't stop clinging to my leg. And whenever Tord would walk by he would squeal like a girl and hide behind me.

That lasted for a week.

One. Annoying. Long. Week.

Tord's POV

I growled in irritation as I tried to fix Susan.


I was getting annoyed. It won't be long before I get that annoyed that I just smash the whole thing together. Although, Tom would wipe me out of existence if I did.

After 10 long minutes, I eventually gave up.

I wasn't gonna waste my time with this when Tom already knows how to fix it himself.

I was about to leave upstairs until I heard something coming from Edds room.

I didn't want to move.

I knew it wouldn't be Matt, because everyone knows that if you go into Edds room; he will kill you.

I could hear Matt open his door. I saw him look over to me. His expression turned to 'terrified'. Shutting his door swiftly and locking it thoroughly, Matt left me all alone.

Then I heard talking. There were people in there.

I wasn't gonna stand here and be a coward, so I ran to my room and grabbed the gun that was on my desk and ran back to Edds bedroom door.

I peered in and saw 4 people.

One of them looked like Tom, except he was smiling widely and wore short dungarees with a blue sweater and tiny checkered shoes.

One looked like Matt, but he had a baseball batt with him, his green overcoat was gone and he had his purple hood up. His pants were ripped and his shoes were a bit dirty and stained. I didn't think Matt could look intimidating.

Then there was another one that looked like Edd, but he was sweating and shaking and he wore a really light green sweater over his white polo shirt.

Then there was one that looked like me. Except he wore a really dark blood-red sweater that went over his hands and covered his neck. On one side of his face, his hair covered his eye. He looked scared, and he was crying a bit. 

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