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Tord's POV

I was sat on the couch, drinking my Smirnoff, watching TV, everything was peaceful, until he burst out of his room.


I slowly turned my head round to see him standing there shouting into his phone. At this point he was starting to piss me off, I was happy by myself sat in the quiet, but every time I get too comfortable he always comes and ruins it all.

"Could you please shut the fuck up?" I asked in an obviously pissed tone

He looked up from his phone and glared at me. It was the most threatening death look he's ever given me. I could tell that this wasn't the time to annoy him or start to sass him, so I just got up and walked away. He turned back to his phone and continued shouting.

I slammed my door behind me. I might have given him the benefit of the doubt this time, but that doesn't mean I still wasn't angry at him for disturbing my peace and quiet.

Then Matt walked into my room, obviously holding his cola. He just smiled at me as I glumly drowned back. Then he sighed.

"What's wrong now Tord?" He asked

"Ugh, it's just... Tom's always disrupting me every time I finally get a chance to be on my own and relax" I sighed out

"Well... Tom's just going through some difficulties at work right now"

"What work? Tom doesn't have a job"

"You'd be surprised, he has his own army, and at the moment, they're kinda pressuring him"

"Wow... I am surprised... how do you know all of this?"

"Tord, your all my best friends, I can tell when one of you is down, so with my awesome detective skills, I worked out that Tom has a lot of pressure, so I talked it out with him"

"Whatever, just tell him to do it in his room then, this house doesn't need the roof being blown off by someone's wining"

Matt sighed and nodded. He walked out of the room and closed the door gently behind him. I just sighed again, knowing that Tom has an army probably isn't a good thing now that I think about it, a communist like him could do anything.

I decided to go and see if he was done having a paddy. I opened the door to see Matt talking with Edd about something. They both looked worried, so I decided to go and see what was up.

"Hey guys, what's wrong?" I asked

They both turned their heads round to me. Edd was shaking a bit and Matt's bottom lip was quivering.

"Guys, tell me" I demanded

"Y-you might get angry" Edd stuttered

"Why would I get angry?" I asked again

Matt tuck a gulp and looked me dead in the eyes "Tom is going back to his army, apparently he has some work to take care of, and he said he might not come back"

"What!? What does he mean by that!?"

I pushed past Edd and Matt and burst open Tom's door. He wipped his head round to me and looked panicked, then his face dropped into a dull expression when he saw me.

"What do you want?" He asked

"What do you mean you might not come back?"

"I'm not telling you, you'd ruin my plans, and I've finally consulted with the head of leaders"

"English please"

"That was English, your brain just struggles taking in important information"

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