Eddsworld meet Ellsworld (au?)

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(This Song is ma fave) - (it would be better if it was slowed down :V)

Edd's POV

It's been about 2 weeks since Tord came back and apologized to us.

He's actually been really nice since he came back- but then we have another problem.

Tom still hates Tord, although, those two have hated each other ever since they met (or at least ever since I've known them both) but no one really knows why. They've never given a real reason to hate each other, they just do.

Tom has been teasing Tord a lot lately. I'm not sure if it's to annoy him or to be playful, but it's kinda annoying me.

Tord hasn't retaliated though, which only makes Tom try and push him more.

Tord has been great with keeping his cool, and he's now back in our friend group, but I imagine he'll never be in the friend group for Tom. Either way, he's my friend now.

Matt has been more dramatic ever since the incident too. Since Tord punched him in the face, he won't let anyone lay a finger on him, even though Tord has apologized countless of times.

We all decided to play truth or dare in Matt's room, since I told everyone to go into Matt's room to play. Why? Because I have a sinister plan. Right now, I'm pretty sure my face has gone into its normal 'maniacal idea' face.

It was my turn to ask someone a truth or a dare, so I put my plan into action and picked Matt.

"Matt, truth or dare?" I asked, knowing he'd pick dare again.

"Dare!" He stated enthusiastically.

"I dare you to bring back that mirror that we got from the magic shop!" I said.

Everyone's face went from excited to terrified- except Tord, since he wasn't here when it happened.

Tom didn't look pleased with my dare, and he was about to say something until he got cut off by Matt getting up and running into the basement.

We all followed him down, and there were loads of broken and old, spare mirrors.

Then he turned a corner, and we found it.

The mirror.

We ran back upstairs with the mirror, and Matt shut and locked the basement door again.

Everyone looked terrified, all of us stood in a circle looking down at the mirror.

Tord just looked confused.

"What's so bad about a mirror?" Tord raised an eyebrow.

"Shut your mouth. Maybe if you didn't abandon us, only to build a giant robot and come back to destroy us, you'd actually know." Tom retorted.

Tord just sighed in tired defeat.

We all stared longingly at the mirror, waiting for something to happen, just like last time.

Nothing happened.

Tord's POV

Why were they all so scared?

I know I wasn't here when it happened, but- come on- it's just a mirror.

I rolled my eyes and huffed in boredom. I leaned closer and put my hand on the shiny glass, only to start being forcefully sucked in.

I screamed and Edd grabbed onto my other arm, but he started getting pulled in too. Then Matt grabbed onto Edd and Tom grabbed onto Matt, and soon enough we all got sucked in.

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