Famous Love

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Tom's POV

I had been thinking about my next concert. My last one was about 3 days ago. Just before that, my old assistant got cancer, and wasn't able to work for me anymore, so my next mission was to find a new assistant.

I'd been looking for one for a couple of days now, and just as my luck pursued, it was no use.

There'd be girls, but they only wanted the job so they could always be near me, and to be completely honest; I wasn't too comfortable with that.

Then I had about 2 or 3 guys, but they only wanted the job for the additional popularity.

Why is it so hard to find an assistant!?

I growled under my breath, rubbing my temples and furrowing my eyebrows.

My maid; Stacey, stood there and just watched me suffer, and while I can't blame her (there's not really much she can do then bring in all the clients) I'd at least appreciate a little sympathy.

Just when I'd started to lose hope, Stacey came back into my office. She looked happy when she saw me. And all I could do was look at her with frustrated confusion.

"I've found one more person! He's nice, kind and he agreed to do everything that's needed for this job!" She cheered.

"Oh, that's perfect, send him in please" I sighed.

This was probably just going to go as it always did.


The door opened again, and my attention was drawn to a boy in a red hoodie.

His beautiful caramel-colored hair stuck up into two horns, and he had gorgeous silver eyes.

I felt my face heat up a bit, and I had to shake my head to get rid of it. I was flustered for reasons I couldn't understand.

He seemed tense and nervous, but proceeded to work up the courage to sit down in the chair in front of me.

"Hi, my name's Tord, I heard about your opening and wanted to give it a try." He smiled.

He had a thick Norwegian accent. It was really nice.

"O-oh, that's cool." Cool? I'm seriously an idiot. "Just a question; why did you want this job?" I asked, hoping that he wouldn't say what all the others said.

The other people tended to say things like:
'Because your super cute and popular and maybe we could get to know each other.' And:
'because I want to be famous like you.'

And I can tell you; it really pissed me off.

"Because I love your music!" He beamed, "I'm quite an out going person, but I can be shy at times, and it can give me anxiety attacks- which means I sometimes have to take some pills to help me- but I also listen to your music to help me! It calms me down and it helps me relax, I also heard that you were a very nice person, so I decided to give the opening a try when I heard about it." He was rambling, but it was cute, I could listen to him go on all day.

He seemed to realize though, and decided to stop himself, "Oops! I'm so sorry! I'm rambling" I'm kinda sad he stopped.

I smiled at him.

He didn't want to use me. He loved my music, he was friendly and happy, and the stress thing shouldn't be a problem. I could tell he was genuine from the way he was talking and how nervous he was.

"Well, I'm glad to say that I want to make you my new assistant, Tord" I grinned.

(I'm sorry, I don't actually know what happens when people do all this jazz :,))

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