TamTori au

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Author's POV (mine ;3)

It was 3am. Tori was quietly minding her own business. She was sitting on the couch, trying to do a marathon of all the 'Return of the insane zombie pirates from hell' when all of a sudden Tamara came bursting into the room. Tori jumped a bit, then she looked behind her and frowned.

"What are you doing?" Tori asked

"What are YOU doing?" Tamara slurred

Tori just sighed and looked back at the TV. Tamara wasn't too happy about this so she walked behind the sofa, she stayed quiet so Tori couldn't hear her, then she pounced.

Tori's POV

I was about to reach for the remote when all of a sudden something came crashing down on me. I landed on the ground and made an "OOF" sound. When I realized who it was, I started kicking my legs and punching the floor.

"Get off of me Tamara!" I shouted

Tamara just laughed in response, you could hear the SUPREME drunk-ness in it too. I sighed. I thought this might just be the place I get stuck before she eventually passes out, and it takes a while for Tamara to pass out. So I just closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. I tried for about 10 minutes until I gave up. Tamra was slowly making it so I couldn't breathe properly.

I tapped Tamara and tried to talk, but it sounded a little rough.
"Tamara, please, get off"

"Huh? What did you say!?" She shouted in my ear

"I said get off!" I whisper-shouted "and keep your voice down, you don't want to wake everyone else up"

"Oh, piss off Tori"

'Ok, now she's making me angry' I thought

I attempted to push her off, but it didn't work. I growled. This was slowly pushing me over the edge, and by over the edge, I mean my patience. I started struggling, but she turned around and pinned my arms and legs to the floor with hers.

"Tut tut tut, you don't wanna do that" she smirked

I gulped. That smirk didn't show me any reassurance that this was gonna end well. I tried to stick with my tuff face instead of showing her that I wasn't obedient. I was no dog.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?" I chuckled

"Do you want to find out?" She threatened

"No, I want you to tell me"

"Well I won't have to if you do as I want"

"I'd rather die" I rolled my eyes

"What? Then I won't have anyone to love" she pouted

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked

"I've had a crush on you since high school, but you've always been such a slut for boys. You never bothered with anyone, or anything else, for that matter" She sulked

I paused for a minute. I was shocked, I didn't know any of this. I mean, she was right, in high school I never bothered for anything else then make-outs and sex. I looked back up at Tamara. She looked as if she was gonna cry. She got up and walked away. She rubbed her eyes with her arm, I'm supposing that she's crying now.

I just laid there like an idiot. That was until something snapped.
'I have to go after her!' I mentally screamed at myself
I got up and ran down the hallway, but made sure that I didn't make loud noises while doing so. I watched as Tamara's door close. I knew she was in there, but when I went to go and open it, it was locked. I knocked on the door and tried to persuade her to let me in.

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