Merman au

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Tom's POV

Edd and I are normal people.

Actually, let me rephrase that.

Edd and I are normal merpeople.

To us it's normal, it's the way we are, but to humans were nothing more than money.

That's all we mean to them.


I don't know much about money, it's a human thing - the only thing I know is that they have to pay for stuff, like food and etc. and they need money to do that.

Turns out merpeople are sold for a very big amount of the green paper.


I was swimming around the field of beautiful coral, patiently waiting for Edd.

This is where Edd and I normally meet up.

I soon got bored, so when the dolphins caught my eye I was easily entranced.

We weren't allowed up, because their was a high chance that we could get caught by humans - but I wanted to swim with all the dolphins.

I swam up, reaching my hand out to touch them, when suddenly something - or someone - fell into the water, crashing harshly as they let themselves sink.

Their eyes were partially closed, only a tiny gap for them to see around them as they slowly sunk, letting the air their lungs were trying to grasp ahold of suffer as he suffocated in the depths of the crystal water.

The dolphins swarmed him in a panic to save him, but all he did was kindly smile as he reached out to stroke their skin, the dolphins sadly whining and squeaking in desperation to help him.

I was confused, and I didn't know what to do.

Rules were rules, any human that's in need of being saved in their conscious mindset is not allowed to be seen by merpeople.

It's a stupid rule, but for good intentions.

I slowly scooted in a space to spectate the human, holding onto the dolphins for reassurance.

The boy slowly turned his head, staring at me for a while before realization seemed to hit him hard, and her smiled widely, reaching out to touch me - but I could only flinch away.

He seemed disappointed, almost saddened, but he pulled back his arm and just closed his eyes, letting himself sink deeper.

I spectated him a bit more, taking in his features.

Red eyes, hard-to-see-freckles, a sort-of feminine-like body, gray-painted nails with a tiny, white heart on each of his thumbs, plump and soft-looking lips, caramel-colored hair.

He looked so familiar, but I just couldn't grasp who he was. Tho, he seemed to recognize me.

I tried hard, searching my memory for any sort of memory with him in it, maybe even a glance I must've once taken.

That's when it clicked.

I realized who he was.

He was that kid, from many years ago.

When I first got caught.

Past time/5 years ago

"I didn't think the legends were true! But they are! Son - We just caught a real merperson!" The scary human man exclaimed.

"Put me down before I yell for help! My people will sink your ship and eat your insides!" I shouted angrily, grasping the net with my tiny hands.

"Wow, he's feisty isn't he?" The human man laughed as he walked away.

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