Pastel au

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Tom's POV

I was sitting in math class, quietly minding my own business until Matt tapped me on the shoulder and interrupted my suffer session.

"Hey, Tom, what's wrong?" He asked.

"What do you think? We're in school Matt, I'm slowly dying, as always." I sighed.

"Well, keep your head up, there's always something to be happy about."

"Like what? The only reason you like school is because you get to see, Edd." I retorted.

"Oh, shush! He's only two rows in front, he might hear you." He punched my shoulder playfully.

I chuckled as a response and went back to laying my head on the desc, continuing to slowly perish.

Time skip

Finally! Class is over!

I ran out of class immediately and stopped outside the doors, waiting for Edd and Matt to follow after.

They were taking too long and I was beginning to grow bored again. I huffed, shoving my hands into my pockets and leaned against the wall.

While I was waiting, this other kid randomly came up to me. I don't know why he did, I mean, I'm not very well known for being nice, and most people are scared of me because of my eyes, but he walked over to me and held his hand out to me, like I wasn't even close to making him tremble in any sort of fear I proclaimed to shift onto people.

He had a big smile on his face, with some added pink blush on his cheeks.

He looks like a dam aesthetic.

"Hi, I'm Tord, I'm assuming that your Tom, my tutor asked me to find you at lunch so you could help me with my English. I'm not too fluent in it yet." I could tell. He had a thick accent and the way he pronounced some of his words weirdly.

I got snapped out of my thoughts by Tord clicking his fingers in front of my face. I didn't even realize I'd zoned out.

"Hello? Earth to Tom." He joked, a grin on his face as he tried not to snicker.

"Oh, uh, sorry about that" I mumbled.

"It's okay. Anyways, are you waiting for someone?" He asked, peering into the classroom.

"Yeah, my friends, Edd and, Matt. Wanna come to lunch with us? You need to come with me anyway."


He smiled at me and for some reason, I lightly smiled back.

Normally I wouldn't smile back, especially to strangers, and people like him.

You see, he was a pastel, you could tell by the way he dressed, but I didn't say anything to him about it.

He wore a mint-green sweater that went over his hands and down his shoulders, a white polo shirt underneath it, light-denim shorts, white sneakers and a flower crown made out of buttercups and daisies.

I thought it was adorable.

I didn't want to think it, but I did.

Besides; that's gay, and he's probably straight like most of the other kids here. He might be pastel, but we've had pastels before and they haven't been gay, not even bisexual (or etc), so I'm taking a wild guess and saying he's the same.

We waited for Edd and Matt for about 5 minutes and they still hadn't come out.

I was starting to get pissed, so I walked inside- but no one was there.

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