Psycho au x Vampire au

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Authors POV (ooo, yes, ma POV for once ;3)

Tord was sat quietly on a bench in the park. The park was quiet and empty and the only sounds you could hear were the calming noises of the leaves rustling on the trees.

Suddenly, screams started to emerge from outside of the park gates, and people starting running through to get to the other side. Then there were gun shots. Tord quickly got up off of the bench and ran the opposite way then the other people were running. One woman grabbed him by the arm.


"Tell me what's going on!" Tord shouted through all the screams

"Some psychopaths are trying to kill everyone! There's already about 25 victims that have been killed!" She looked terrified, the look she had only made Tord scared

Then there were more gunshots being fired into the crowd. The woman let go of Tord and started running. Everyone was pushing and shoving past Tord, but Tord just stood there. He was too scared to move. He slowly looked behind him to see 3 people running after the crowd and firing at everyone, hitting lots of people. Tord started to shake, he still wasn't able to move. Then Tord was grabbed by someone and he got slung over his shoulder. Tord looked up to see Paul, he was on Pat's shoulder.

"What were you thinking!? Why didn't you run!?" Paul shouted

"I-I was too scared!"

"Well next time don't be! These 3 are maniacs! And you have a killer army!"

"Let's not shout that out in a crowd of people where we could just scare them all even more!"


"Where are we going anyway!?"

"Idk, but somewhere safe!"

.*+ Time Skip +*.

Tord's POV

I was sat in an alleyway with Paul, Pat, and some extra people. Everyone was terrified. The Town has been destroyed and not even the S.W.A.T team could do anything about these 3 psychos. Then I remembered the bench I was sat on before this all happened, it was my only peaceful, calm spot. I decided that I would go and sit there for a bit, to just clear my mind.

"I'm gonna go out for a bit" I said to Pat

"What!? With those psychos out there!? No way Tord!" He argued

"Oh cmon, I won't be long, and I'm pretty sure that they all left the park area when everyone ran out that way"

"Fine, but please be careful"

"I will" and with that, I was gone

.*+ Tiny Time Skip +*.

I was sat on the bench with my arms crossed. The park area didn't look destroyed at all, but when you looked out of the gates, everything was gone. I sighed in disbelief.

"Why...why did this have to happen?" I questioned myself

All of a sudden, a hand came crashing over my mouth. I was dragged behind the tree. I stared at the strange shadowed person. Then a big smirk crawled across their face.

"P-please don't hurt me!" I panicked

"Oh, don't worry, it won't hurt at all" the figure said

"W-what won't?"

Then they pulled their hood down and it reveled a boy with no eyes, light chocolate brown hair that stuck up straight, piercings and a wide smirk.

He held out his hand. I was cautious about grabbing it, but I grasped it and he pulled me up. Then he pinned me against the tree and started kissing me. He bit my bottom lip hard, it hurt so I just opened up. He took the chance to stick his tongue in my mouth. I decided not to try and fight for dominance Incase it angered him. While he was doing so, he took out a knife and dragged it across my cheek. It left a cut that gushed with blood. He pulled away from the kiss and gently licked away the bridge of saliva the connected our mouths. As he slowly made his way up from my lips to my cheek, he licked away all the blood. I turned into the color of a cherry at the end of it all.

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