Part 20: The Last Day

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RP: Get your yearbooks! Don't forget your yearbooks!

Me: I'll take one!

RP: Here ya go!

Me: *skips off to find my teacher*

Teacher: Hello Jordan! Excited for summer?

Me: More or less. Would you like yo sign my yearbook?

Teacher: I'd love to! Mine's over there if you'd like to sign it.

Me: I will. * signs teacher's yearbook with some weird phrase and a thank you*

Teacher: Please be on your best behavior this summer. I don't want to have to change my job to go and teach you at some jail.

Me: I'll try my hardest.

*Awkward silence*

Teacher: Office.

Me: Why! I was good this time!

Teacher: Sorry. It's a habit.

Me: Nah it's good. I did fill his office and your class with stuffed animals.

Teacher: WHAT!

Me: See you next year!


Principal: . . .

Me: I like your decor.

Principal: I asked for one day that you're not in here.

Me: I know.

Principal: Please be good this summer. AND next year. I'd like to see you less in the office.

Me: I can't promise anything.

Principal: Good golly.

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