the break up

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You were walking to your favorite cafe and you were happy. It been an long time since you have been there. Your boyfriend ( dino)

He hasn't even toke you to this place in forever. You would ask him every now and then if y'all could go there. He would tell you that he hated that place

You found it strange because y'all met each other there but you just said ok. If that how he felt then you just let him be.

You walked in the cafe and the smell of coffee hit you. You have always hated coffee but their coffee smelled just as good. You went up to the corner and your eyes met with an man.

?:' Hello my name is Lucas and how will I help you today.' You smiled at him and said ' I would take an hot cocoa with two cinnamon rolls.'

He looked at you and smiled. Lucas:' will that be all today.' You nodded your head in response. Lucas:' Your totally today is 8.54.' You looked in your purse and pulled out an 10 dollar bill.

You:' umm I don't have change but can you take this.' He smiled at you and nodded. While he was getting your money. Your eyes wonder until you landed on an girl.

She was at an table death staring you. You looked at her weird then you heard. Lucas:' here your money. Your meal will be done in an minute.' You smiled then toke your money.

You found you an seat and sat down. You got on your phone and texted dino. He didn't answer for an minute then all of an sudden you heard his ringtone.

You looked up from your phone and you saw an guy from behind you past. He had the same tone as dino did.

He then sat down with the girl who gave you an death stare. His face was facing her so you could only see the back of his head. You could swear that was your boyfriend.

After an few minutes your order came and it was that same guy again. He gave you your food and saw you were staring at an couple that always came here.

Lucas:' do you know them.' You:' ummm yeah.' You nodded your head unsure. You:' d-do they always come here.' You looked at Lucas and he nodded his head.

Lucas:' yeah they are our daily consumers.' You turn back to the couple then said ' ok thank you.' Lucas looked at you then headed back to the counter.

You couldn't eat. You were focus on them. You knew that was your boyfriend but you had to be sure. You watched them until they got up. When they stand up, they hugged each other. While they hugged each other.

They swung back and forth until you saw his face. You stood up and put your hands over your face as you made contact with him. He saw you and immediately stopped hugging her.

Eunaa:' babe what wrong.' She saw the direction he was looking in then he pushed her to the side. He ran straight to you.

Tears were falling at this point when he ran to you. When he got to you he tried to hugged you but you pushed him away.

You:' get away from me. How could you.' By this time everyone in the cafe was looking at y'all. Dino:' babe it's not what you think.' Eunaa scoffed and rolled her eyes.

Eunaa:' sure like how you told me you were going to marry me.' You looked to her and your eyes were now getting blurry. Then you turn back to dino.

He looked at you and you looked at him. You:' how could you.' Dino:' baby she just an friend.' He tried to touch you but you wouldn't let him.

You:' no don't touch me.' Dino looked at you as Eunaa smirked. You started to grab your stuff and dino tried to help you but you stopped him.

You:' don't touch me or my stuff. We are done.' You grabbed the rest of your stuff and went to the front counter. You were met with heart broken lucas.

Your head hung low as he put Your food in an bag. He saw how heart tore you were and he couldn't stand it. He handed you your bag.

You:' thank you.' You were about to head to the door until someone grabbed your hand. You turn back and saw Lucas.

Lucas:' here if you want anyone to talk to here my number.' He put his number in your hand you nodded then toke off.

When you got to your place you started to pack your things. You and dino lived together. You two were going go make an family and get marry but this happen. As you packed the rest of your stuff dino came home.

He ran to you but you pushed him away. Dino:' baby I told you I was sorry please don't leave.' You didn't answer him and put your stuff by the door. He watched you helpless. He knew he had messed up and bad.

When you got done you headed out the door with your stuff. Dino:' wait you have no where to go.' You stopped then said. ' I would rather stay on the streets.' And with those last words you left.

You sat on the side of street and waited. You had to think where you would go until you got an idea.

Lucas:' ok bye y'all see y'all.' He put his work stuff up and clocked out. He was walking out the door when he got an text. He pulled his phone out his pocket. It said ' call me.'

He knew it had to be you so he called you as soon as possible.

You had got an call and you answer it.

You:' hello?'

?:' Y/n?'

Thanks for everyone who read this. I truly think this one is the best fanfiction I made yet. Lucas is my bias and sorry if this is any bad. I just thought I needed something different and this is it. Please comment and vote also follow me. If You want any other fanfiction on your bias just comment or text me this or something like this.
Person: baekhyun
Nationality/ idk: regular person
Group/band: exo
Y/n: regular person
Thanks for your love and support. I really love it and tell me what I need to do better next time if I didn't do anything good. Also say like what you think will happen next will Lucas get you or will be say he busy. Your choice and check out my other fanfictions. All love💗


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