jealousy pt.2

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( so disclaimer I accidentally deleted my stuff but it wasn't on purpose. It was an accident so yeah here the new version of that last part.)

Lucas picked you your phone and his eyes widen at the caller ID.

It was his friend mark. With an picture of you and him hugging.

Lucas couldn't believe it but he couldn't let it get to his head. So he put back down your phone and it stopped ringing.

Lucas sighed and wrapped his arms back around you. He start to drift back to sleep when he heard your phone go off again.

He picked up your phone again and this time. It was an message.

Mark💖: hey babe answer the phone.

Lucas couldn't believe that you lied to him. He was so confused and hurt. You told him you had no one and he thought you meant it.

He then came back to mind.

You(aka Lucas): sorry I was sleeping I'm really tired can we talk later... Babe.

Mark💖: yeah when your fully awake call me love you

( Those words hurt Lucas to the core.)

You( aka Lucas): ok love you too.

As soon as Lucas was done texting him he immediately went through your messages with him.

After an few minutes you woke up to Lucas moving and his heart beating faster. You slowly open your eyes.

You:' Lucas what wrong.' you looked at him then saw he was on your phone. You were wide awake now. You went for your phone but Lucas wouldn't give it to you.

You:' LUCAS GIVE ME MY PHONE.' Lucas:' NO.' he pushed you away and you fell on the floor. You tried your hardest to your phone.

But he wouldn't let you. You:' LUCAS GIVE ME MY PHONE.'

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