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( credit to owner of video)

( Your in your dream)

You were laying in the middle of the street. You were confused. You stand up and noticed Lucas yelling.

You turn to him and saw him looking some where else. You turn to the direction he was looking in.

You saw yourself and an car coming. You looked in the driver's eyes and once again your eyes widen.

You:' Rosé'

You woke up beside an sleeping Lucas. You couldn't believe it was rosé who did it.

Your heart was racing and you knew if you told Lucas. He would go crazy because it his best friend who tried to kill you. It would break him.

You slowly got out of Lucas bed. You walked to the living where you last remember where your phone is.

You finally found it and picked it up. Their was only one person to call. Mark

You called mark and he immediately picked up. Soon he was at Lucas door. He picked you up and toke you to his house.

You told him everything that happened. He was beyond pissed. He couldn't believe Lucas would put you get in his mess.

He knew rosé was trouble from the start. He couldn't believe she would try to hurt you but then he did.

But what caught his attention was when you said that rosé kissed him. He immediately grabbed you by your shoulders.

You looked in his eyes. Mark:' you do know that they use to date right!' you looked at him weird.

Mark:' you can't go back there. I won't let you. Rosé is dangerous. She cable of doing stuff to just get Lucas back.'

Mark: ' she tried to hurt me once when me and Lucas hang out more. She thought I was an  threat.'

Mark:' I won't let you go back there.' you:' but what about Lucas. I can't I'm going back.'

You toke his hands off of you and got up. You:' I'm not about to leave Lucas for some whore.'

Mark tried to grab your arm but you slapped him. He stilled tried because he couldn't let his lover... ( Whoops) I mean his best friend go back. ( Spoiler alert. I just let out some of mark feelings towards you)

But you went anyways and when you got back to Lucas house.

Lucas was woken by knocks at the door. He got up and saw you were no longer in his arms anymore.

He went to the front door and open it. The first person he saw was rosé. He was about to close when.

Rosé kissed him. He didn't kiss back at first but then he did. He remembered that kiss him and rosé would share.

He forgot about you for an second. He was under rosé spell. He wanted her.

You got out mark car and you started  to hear for Lucas door. When you looked up. Your smile soon faded away. You him and rosé giggle. But then you thought to yourself. ( No y/n remember their best friends.)

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