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( im sorry this song is my jam. It's 'she bad' by myteen. I just found out about them yesterday and I'm already in love with them. I saw an fine man on the cover so I clink like how fast people ran into Walmart on black Friday)

You slowly walked up to the door and open the door. When you open the door. You looked and see if any doctors were around.

As soon as no one was in the hallway. You slipped out and made your way to the exit.

When you reached outside you bumped into someone. You:' oh I'm so sorry.' when you looked up your eyes met with Mark's.

Your eyes tear up and you jumped into his arms. Mark had no clue of what was happening.

You:' oh mark I missed you. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you and went to his house. I should of listen.' you cried more in his embrace.

Mark:' umm I'm sorry but I don't know you.' you back up and looked to see if he was lying.

You looked in his eyes and he looked confused. You back up and clean yourself up. You:' I'm sorry i just thought you were my best friend mark.'

You began to walk off when you felt an pull on your hand. You turn back around and he put his fingers into yours.

You looked at your locked fingers then back at Mark. Mark:' you said your best friend was name mark.' you nodded your head.

He looked at you for an moment then broke the locked. He hugged you as tight as he could. Mark:' I thought I was going crazy for an  minute.' You wrapped your arms around him as your broken heart was healing.

You:' mark I'm sorry about all this. I should of just listened to you like you said.' mark pushed you back.

Mark:' it's not your fault it's ok.' you nodded and saw an doctor coming. You quickly put your number in mark pocket and kissed his cheek.

You:' I have to go but call me. Don't tell anyone this is my number.' then you ran off.

You kept looking back to see if they were following you. They had the guards looking everywhere and then you heard an  alert go off.

You Looked one last time and you fell on the ground. You groaned in pain as your ankle was turning purple again.

You:' shit...' you held your ankle and you rocked back and forth. You closed your eyes as your head was back. You stayed like that for an minute until you no longer felt the street light on you.

You open your eyes and saw an man. You looked at him but you couldn't see his face from the light. He put out his hand and you grabbed it.

When you got up. You saw his face and he didn't look the happiest. ?:' are you trying to escape.'

He was looking around you. You:' y-yeah why.' you stuttered. He looked around more and you saw his face an little better. You saw an scar that went across his cheek. Your eyes widen.

You:' umm n-nevermind i-i-i left my p-purse.' you turn around but he grabbed your hand. ?:' kiss me.' you looked at him crazy. You:' no! I just met you.' he rolled his eyes and pulled you close to him.

?:' kiss me and make it real. Their coming.' you groaned. You:' can we at least pretend to be like an couple who sad or something.' he stopped then said.

?:' yeah that sounds a lot better I don't want your tongue in my mouth.' you nodded.

The guards came running at you two. Guard 1:' hey have y'all seen an patient running around here.' you started to fake cry and they looked at y'all weird.

?:' oh I'm sorry... My wife lose her ring and her mom just died in there.' you:' MY LIFE RUIN.' ( this is the worst acting ever😂😂😂) they made an weird faces at y'all.

Guard 2:' well if you don't mind have-' you:' I CAN'T NO MORE LOVE.' he patted your back. ?:' it's ok. We can get an new ring.' you fake cried harder and the guards were getting annoyed.

Guard1:' well we have to go look but sorry about your family and ring.' they went away as soon as possible.

You:' are they gone now.' he nodded. ?:' yeah. Let's go.' he grabbed your hand and dragged you to an car.

You:' wait where are we going?' he stopped and looked at you. ?:' to my place.' you nodded and got in the car.

When you got in the car. It looked nice inside. You:' woah... This looks nice.' ?:' yeah just put on your seat belt.'

You put your seat belt on and he drove off. You couldn't help but ask.

You:' where did you get that scar from?' he turn to you and smirked then put his eyes back on the road.

?:' from someone.' you nodded your head and faced forward. He came to an stop at an light. He sighed and toke off his hat. He fixed his hair.

Then he turn to you and you looked at him.

( Umm everyone making it hard for me.)

You looked at his features for what seem like forever.

?:' umm are you going to keep staring at me or ask me another question.' you got out your glance.

You:' umm I'm sorry-.' ?:' your forgiven.' you looked at him as he drove again.

( Well that was rude as hell.)

You looked out the window then an question came to mind. You:' what your name.' he turn to you and saw you looking out the window.

?:' wonwoo.'

( sorry about putting seventeen and NCT together. I will put an picture of all of them in the beginning so if you don't know them. It will be there or in the chapters before or after.)

Thanks for reading my fanfiction and please vote/follow me. All love and go look at my other fanfictions. If you want more like this then say so. Thanks all love 💖

- nctxmonstax

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