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You went to wonwoo room and sat on his bed. You:' ARGGGHHHH.' you layed back on the bed. You:' I hate you.'

Woozi:' do you really think he will come for her?' s.coups:' if someone held your girlfriend which you don't have one. Would you wanna get her at any cost.' 

Woozi scolded s.coups hard but he didn't care so everyone was silent until.

Dino:' well he has an point.' mingyu:' so it settled. We keep her-.' wonwoo:' I keep her and we wait until her lover boy shows up ok ok. Now get out my house.'

Without an argument. They left. Wonwoo sighed then went up stairs. He went in his room and saw you just laying there.

Wonwoo:' what are you doing.' you ignored him. Wonwoo:' I SAID what are you doing.' you rolled over away from him.

Wonwoo:' Y/N!' you gave him your best finger and flicked him off.

Wonwoo soon got pissed off. He went over to you.

( He really getting on my last nerve. I hope he liked my middle finger cause it liked him.)

You were too busy in your thoughts that you didn't see wonwoo until now.

You sat up. You:' what the hell-' he kissed you and you fell back on the bed while wonwoo toke control. It shocked you at first bit it wasn't long until you responded.

You wrapped your legs around him. Wonwoo toke it as an opportunity so he put his hands on your hips.

You felt wonwoo push against you and the kiss deepen. The feeling of  him harden against your core.

You moaned in the kiss as wonwoo hands started to trail down your hips.

You couldn't handle him anymore so you knew you had to end this before you got out of hand but then.

Wonwoo lips trailed down your neck until he met with your sweet spot. You didn't know you had an sweet spot.

You moaned and arch your back. Wonwoo smirked against your skin. He pulled your body closer towards his and his boner rubbed against your core.

Wonwoo teased you then stopped and lay in your neck. You then flipped wonwoo on his back.

You sat on him and began rocking against him. Wonwoo lean his head back. You stopped after you heard low moans from wonwoo.

You lay on top of wonwoo and he put his arm around you. You both stayed like that for an Moment.

Wonwoo:' don't do that again or  the same result will happen.' you nodded then he pecked your lips.

Wonwoo:' I'm about to go get something to eat.' you got off of him and he got up.

You sat on the bed and watched him until he stopped at the door. He turn back to you. Wonwoo:' you coming.'

You smiled and jumped up. You ran to him and jumped on his back. Wonwoo groaned. You:' let go.'

You pointed down stairs. You and wonwoo had ate some stuffs. The kitchen began an big mess after you two had an food fight. Food on the walls, sink, counters.

Then right after you two just made out on the counter. You two were an mess. Food was all over the kitchen and all over yourselves.

After your make out session you two were cuddling on the couch. You:' wonwoo.' wonwoo:' yeah.' you sat up to wonwoo level.

He looked at you and you wiped the power that was on his cheek off. He then smiled and kissed you.

You looked at wonwoo. You stared into his eyes for an minute then you remembered something.


thanks for reading my fanfiction and please vote/follow me. Thanks sorry for the last update.


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