play date

24 1 7

( before you read this. I'm just going to let you know. I just wanted to pick that song because the title of this chapter reminds me of this song. I love her so much sorry. Ok now You get back to the fanfiction also btw. Suggest some like ideas I need to make for my future ones. I'm thinking about making like an while thinb o like previews on all of my fanfictions. Idk but anways You can read it now😊)

You:' yes'

You heard an laugh on the other end of the phone.

?:' Hey y/n what you need.'

You couldn't help but smile.

You:' umm do you have an place for me to stay.'

The line was silent for an second

Lucas:' yeah you can stay with me.'

You sighed.

You:' thanks will you come pick me up now. I will send you the address.'

You hung up and an no time Lucas was there. He helped you put your stuff in the car. While y'all were in the car you couldn't help but notice Lucas stealing glances at you.

You had finally turn to look at him and he looked at you then looked away while laughing. You:' Lucas your been looking at me for the last 20 minutes.' You smiled at him and he smiled.

Lucas:' no I wasn't.' You looked at him like ' oh ok.' You looked away from him and stared out the window nodding your head. Then an idea got in your head. You pulled out your phone and secretly recorded him doing it.

Lucas couldn't keep his eyes off of you. He couldn't understand how anyone could just waste you like that. You were so beautiful and kind.

You were recording him when he said ' You know what.' You stopped recording him and turn to him. You:' yes.'

Lucas:' we are going to the arcade games.' You looked wide eye at him. You:' but we need to unpack.' Lucas looked at you. Lucas:' we can do it later.' Then he started to head for the arcade store.

When y'all got there you weren't sure. You walked inside with Lucas and all you saw were little kids. Your eyes went big when you saw how many games there was.

Lucas went to get an bag of coins then came back.

You:' l-lucas.' He turn to you but then someone else called his name. ?:' Lucas Lucas lucas.' Your eyes turn to an little girl tugging at his shirt. Lucas smiled at her and picked her up.

Lucas:' ahhh Sooskryn.' She giggled at him and you couldn't help but giggled too. Sooskryn:' Lucas play an game with me.' Lucas then frowned. Lucas:' ahh I can't today.' The little girl face went straight down.

You noticed and you said ' I will play with you.' The girl face turn to you and she smiled. Sooskryn:' You will.' You nodded your head and you got out of Lucas arms. She pulled you to an dressing game. You played with her until one of her friends came and toke her with them.

When you turn back around to Lucas he was gone. You looked around and saw him playing an game against another boy. You walked over to them and watched.

Lucas:' I'm going to win soosken.' They were playing an race car game.

Soosken:' no your not.' You watched them both argue and play until Lucas won. Lucas turn to soosken and struck his tongue out at him.

Lucas:' ha ha I won.' Soosken:' thats not fair. You cheated.' He crossed is arms. Lucas:' how did I cheat.' You then giggled while they kept arguing.

You:' ok ok you two. I will play against Lucas for soosken.' They both looked at you and soosken smiled. Soosken:' You will win for me noona.' You smiled at him and he cheered.

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