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( sorry the title remind me of that song)

Lucas froze when he realized what rosé had did. She gave him an sweet and kind kiss on his lips.

Lucas didn't respond to her but she thought because he was surprised.

She then waved goodbye and left. Lucas stood right there for the longest trying to figure out what happen.

When he did he closed the door and locked it like always. He put his hands through his hair and sighed.

Lucas:' another girl who likes me.' he then headed to his room and he walked in.

He didn't realize you were in there so he toke off his shirt and his pant. He change into some shorts and put an shirt on.

He got in his bed and noticed you were there. He smiled then lay behind you. He wrapped his arms around you and put his head in your neck.

You had woke up to feeling kisses on your neck. You:' Lucas stop.' you told him in your morning voice.

Lucas:' why.' he kissed you more and you toke his arms around you. And pushed him away.

He didn't understand why you were being so mean to him. Lucas:' what did I do.' you rolled your eyes and sat up.

You:' you threw me to the side once you saw her. I'm your girlfriend and you treated me like an dog.' Lucas looked at you.

He noticed how mean he was being to you. You:' you didn't even look at me once or introduce me to her. I don't know who she is.'

You:' look Lucas I always been in an bad relationship before I don't need another one.' you got up and walked out the room.

Lucas watched you as you disappeared. He had just realized how rude he was being to you. He put her before his own girlfriend.

He got up and went to look for you around the house. He looked in the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom and the dining room.

He didn't know where you were at until he remembered your room. He slowly walked up to your room as he open the door.

He heard you crying. He immediately felt bad because he cause it. He open your door all the way and saw you on the floor against the wall.

He walked up to you and sat in front of you. You were still crying while you had your face cover with your hands.

He sighed and gently moved your hands from your face. You looked at him with your strained red eyes. Lucas wiped your tears as they start to dry up.

He looked into your eyes and you looked into his. He smiled then pulled you into an hug.

Lucas:' I'm sorry I ignore you today. I didn't mean too. I just haven't seen her in so long. I promise I won't do it again.'

You hugged him back and buried your face in his shoulder. You:' ok if you promise.' Lucas smiled slightly.

He let go of you and said ' how about we get some ice cream and sit on the couch to watch movies.'

Your eyes went big. You:' we have ice cream.' he nodded and you were already out the door. Heading for the kitchen. When you open the freezer your favorite ice cream was sitting there.

You screamed and grabbed it from the freezer. You ran in the living room and sat down on the couch. Lucas set up what movie y'all were going to watch and got him some ice cream.

You both cuddled up while watching an movie. Soon you both finished your ice creams. Lucas sat them to the side.

You:' Lucas.' You yawned and Lucas looked at you. Lucas:' yeah.' You put your face in his chest and wrapped your arms around his waist.

You:' I'm tired.' Lucas smiled and turn back to the tv. Lucas:' then go to sleep. I will be here when you wake up.' You slightly closed your eyes. Lucas played with your hair until you fell asleep.

He soon got tired and fell asleep after you. His arms were wrapped around you. It was an perfect night for you too.

The morning came and Lucas woke up to your phone ringing non stop.

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