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When you open the door you were suprise to see.....

An beautiful woman smiling at you. You were confused. She was really beautiful. She looked like she was rich and could get any boy she want.

You were staring at her for so long that you didn't hear her.

You:' oh I'm so sorry. Um why you here.' she smiled and said

?:' um does Lucas still live here.' you looked at her funny. You:' umm yes why.'

You smiled at her even though you were getting jealous. You looked at each other until you felt some arms wrap around your waist.

Her eyes went straight to Lucas while he still didn't notice her yet.

He put his face in your neck then started to whisper in your neck. Lucas:' your so beautiful.' you giggled and the woman was getting annoyed.

Lucas:' you Smell good.' you giggled more so the lady was now getting pissed.

?:' umm.'  Lucas stopped and looked up at the woman. He soon realize who it was and he pushed you to the side.

He ran right into her arms and they talked. You were pissed now.

Lucas:' ohhh how long has it been rosé.' he hugged her tight once again and she smiled her brightest.

You couldn't watch an longer so you went inside and grabbed Lucas keys. When you came back they were on the couch talking.

Lucas didn't even see you so you walked past. When you made it to his car. You then realized you had no where to go.

You headed back inside and again he seem not to notice. You walked to his room since it was the farar away from the living room.

You went in his room then closed the door behind you. After an hour or so you were past out.

Lucas was still talking to rosé when he realized that it was getting late. Lucas:' yeah rosé I have to get some rest for work in the morning.' he got up and she followed behind.

He walked her to the door and she walked out. Before she left she turn back to Lucas.

Rosé:' I hope we can meet up sometime.' Lucas:' yeah maybe next week'  ( or never muuhahahag)

Rose giggled and Lucas didn't understand why he didn't say anything funny.

Lucas was about to close the door when....

I'm going to make another chapter today because it didn't delete. I was just tired and I thought I did. Also I know this sucks so yeah that's why I'm making another one day. Also I know it's short.

- nctxmonstax

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