the driver

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( sorry I still learning to my favs in hip hop/pop. I just wanna y'all to try to listen to it. It one of my favorite songs now)

You tripped and fell on the road. You felt pain from your heart to your knee.  You rushed to your knee and blood was everywhere already.

More tears came down your cheeks and right then you heard Lucas yell.

Lucas:' NO Y/N MOVE.' you wiped the tears so you could see and that when you heard that car.

When you made eye contact with the driver your eyes went wide.

Lucas watched you as you just stared at the car. He had to do something and quick.

As tears rolled down your cheeks you knew who the driver was. So she speed up and you couldn't believe it.

She was about to hit you so you closed your eyes and when you open. You heard the car stop. You looked at the car.

You looked to where you heard Lucas yelling. When you looked you didn't see Lucas. Horror and pain filled your heart.

You immediately ran to the front of the car. You didn't care that your knee was hurt and that your ankle was broke.

When you reach the front of the car. You saw... No one there. You looked around and you found Lucas on the ground starting to bleed out his arm.

You ran to him. He tried to sit up but you pulled him up. You got in his face.


He smiled at you and you hugged him tight. You:' don't ever do that again.'

Lucas smiled while wrapping one arm around you. He closed his eyes for an second.

When he open his eyes. He saw your leg. Full of blood. He then pushed you slowly away from him.

You looked at him with dried tears. You:' what wrong lucas.' he pointed at your leg. You looked at it and screamed.

You:' AHHH. WHY IS THERE SO MUCH BLOOD.' you turn back to Lucas and reached into his pocket.

You found his phone and called the police. When the police arrived they closed off the road.

You and Lucas were transferred to an hospital. Lucas got his arm wrapped up and put in an arm brace.

You on the other hand had got stitches on your knee then had to  put your leg in an leg case. ( Sorry I forgot how to spell it)

You and Lucas left. Y'all went back home and lay with each other for an bit. While you were laying with him. You fell asleep.

Thanks for reading and vote/follow me. Go check out my other fanfictions. All love and thanks for the support 💖


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